Chapter 5: Esme present time (6 years after breaking dawn)

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"Just stop so we can tame this beast!" Vladmir hissed to gis counterpart Stefan. I had given up fighting itbwas useless. I never had had any strengths in any area of vampire abilities, my only ability was compassion and love. I was not fast, I was not strong, and I certainly struggled a great deal with self control. I killed my fair share of humans that's to say. The car stopped and Ibwas tossed out on to the ground. Vladmir removed the bag an I tried to flee. His hands were around my neck and he tilted my head back where it would break off at any wrong movement. "You flee, you scream, you die, got it?" I nodded and he led me forcefully in to the woods. Stefan flanked him.

"Carlisle," I whispered. "Carlisle."

Stefan kicked my shin and I winced, holding in a whimper of pain. Vladmir dragged me deeper amd deeper until no light reached the area. Stefan shoved me to the ground and I felt my skin crack, literally. I felt it heal almost immedoetly but it still hurt. Vladmir grabbed my shirt amd ripped it off. "No!" I scfeamed kicking at him, he laughed and continued to undress me. "CARLISLE HELP!" I screamed. "JASPER! EMMETT! EDWARD!" I sobbed tearlessly. Vladmir forced himself on me and Stefan held me down. "GET OFF OF ME! HELP!" I sobbed and Vladmir's mouth was on mine. I pulled away but he matched my moves and he seemed to be swallowing my face. I shook with tremors from my sobs and as the torure filled night went on I could not tell memory from reality. Instead of Vladmir's face I saw Charles Evenson's face. I screamed as he grinned evily at me and ripped off my wedding dress. "STOP IT! STOP IT!" I yelled kicking him away. He ounched my face and I screamed.

"You are MINE now, you are my PET, you will do what I COMMAND!" Charles screamsd at me spitting in my face. He kicked my side and pain surged through my body. Tjen it was Stefan' s face. He yanked at my hair and bit hungrily down my chest and I closed my eyes wishing I could sleep. I clawed at my face and prayed for death even though it was impossible. "Carlisle!" I moaned. "Carlisle..." It was useless, he couldn't hear me, he wasn't coming. I was doomed. I screamed at myself for thinking such things and jerked away but Vladmir slapped my face and they both destroyed my body ravenously.

Charles was back. He forced me in to the bedroom as soon as he got home and began his usual torture. I laid there still until he was satisfied and then he puncjed my chest and I threw up blood. He broke my ribs and I sobbed uncontrollabky as I drove home from the doctor's office. I would die with Charles as my husband.

Vladmir and Stefan stopped as the sun rose and I lay there naked and violated on the ground. The sun shined down and I sparked but I felt like no diamond, I felt like black coal.

My clothes were in shreds and so they led me nudely back to the car and shoved the bag over my head. I sobbed as they began driving again and eventually I was in a state of disbelief, unrealness, denial. A gray state where everything was ruined, there was no hope, and I had no escape or future without this brutality.

Finding Isle Esme (the prequel/end of the Forever Alice trilogy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ