Chapter 10: Esme present (6 years after breaking dawn)

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Vladmir and Stefan shoved me on to the jet and Stefan to the pilot's seat. Vladmir sat on the other side of me and I looked out the window. I saw a piece of jet black pixie hair swishing by our plane. I saw her body and fashionable outfit. ALICE! I screamed but she couldn't hear me for two reasons. 1) I was speaking internally, 2)she was not looking at our jet. I need to make a decision on something, decide self. Alice! ALICE! I decides on mentally screaming her name. She boarded the jet next to us and took a window seat, Alice likes views. The jet jerked as Stefan began moving. ALICE LOOK BEHIND YOU! I saw her head turn and check her surrounding but she didn't look in to the jet that was backing out and moving down the runway. I slammed my hand on the window and she registered the noise. She looked out her window and her eyes saw mine. They grew huge and she screamed at someone, I could faintly hear the name, Carlisle. I saw his face. CARLISLE!

I pounded the windows and Vladmir slapped my face and Carlisle watched. He hissed and I stared at him. We were stuck, hopeless. I love you, I thought. Alice, please tell him I love him. Vladmir yanked me away from the window seat amd the torture that came with bight began. I screamed and screamed and the jet took off in to the air. My screams were futile and I felt the emptiness of being raped as a human. "You're a useless piece of shit!" Charles's words echoed in my head. Vladmir smacked my face and I felt lost. Alone. Carlisle was on the other jet, why couldn't he be here?

* * *

Carlisle's POV present time

"CARLISLE!" Alice screamed. "CARLISLE ESME!" She pointed out the window amd I saw her face. Her hands frantically pounding on the window glass. Help me! Her eyes screamed. Please, save me!

"Esme!" I screamed through the window. Her plane was already moving and I watched as it took off. I screamed at our pilot and told him to follow that jet. He started the plane but it would never be fast enough. We were in a jet chase. I watched Vladmir slap Esme's pure face and she screamed. I hissed and so did everyone. He dragged her away and I could hear as he raped her.

Esme, I thought, my Esme I have failed in protecting you. She'll hate me for sure, how could she not?

"Esme loves you," Alice told me. "She told me as she was dragged away to tell you."

I looked at her and for the first time, ever since I had become a vampire, I sobbed. I lost it right then and there. My shoulders shook and I trembled with tearless sobs. My "children" didn't know what to do. They had never seen me cry. I sobbed as I heard her being torture until the plane was far enough away I couldn't. That made it worse, not knowing.

"I love you Esme," I sobbed. "I don't deserve you, Esme, I am so sorry."

"Carlisle," they all tried at some point but nothing.

Edward sat down by me and he placed a hand on my shoulder the way I did to cheer him up, to console him. "We will get her. I won't let her die, none of us will."

* * *

Esme's POV

The sun rose and slowly I saw Volterra come in to view. But the plane started to land only to have Vladmir grab me and jump out unnoticed. Stefan kept flying and we were running to the shore. Vladmir dragged me in to the ocean and Vladmir was swimming, I was fighting. Trying to get away. We reached Africa in an hour and Vladmir killed an innocent woman. My throat flared and I heaved. I needed blood. He cut her open and forced me to sit there in front of the dead woman's human blood leaking out in a pool of red around her.

Carlisle would forgive me, he always does, but I wouldn't forgive myself. I had already killed too many humans and I would not kill another. My throat burned it aas intolerable but he forced me to sit there. He dipped his finger in the surrounding pool of blood and brought it nearer. He painted the blood around my mouth and I felt myself losing control. I was becoming wild, inhumane, unhuman. I had to get out. I flipeld amd lunged for Vladmir's throat. My feral instinct took over and I had a vamoire adrenaline rish I surged away to the east. I knew exactly where I was going. Vladmir chased after me but this time I refused to be captured. Charles did not win, neither would Vladmir. I would win. I was not strong, I was not fast, but I had a whole lot of love and a whole lot of courage. I felt the familiar mischief of my human life retuning to me and I smiled slightly. The griund moved under my feet it helped me. Earth was on my side, God was on my side.

Alice, I thought, I wanted to say so much more to say "I got away, he is chasing me but I am running. I won't let them get me Alice" but I only needed to say two words: Isle Esme.

Finding Isle Esme (the prequel/end of the Forever Alice trilogy)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat