Chapter 13: Esme (switches between present and 1921)

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Running, desperately trying to get away. Stefan and Vladmir are both pursuing me. I am not fast enough against the two of them. I am going to lose this race. Stefan whispers something to Vladmir who laughs. He cackles actually. I hear them converse amongst themselves and then they face me. I don't stop running, I'll never stop running, not until it's over.

"They're all dead, Esme." Vladmir said and I can hear the smile on his face. I don't turn around to confirm my suspicions.

"No." I yell.

"Their plane went down, and kaboom! Explosion means fire and fire means burning and burning means ashes. Nessie, Jake, Edward, Bella, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, Jasper, and even poor old Carlisle. No survivors all trying to save you but now they burn eternally!" Vladmir shouted after me.

No. I scream internally. My everything they can't be gone. No. I can't lose everything, not twice that's not fair!

"NO! YOU'RE LYING!" I sob.

"Esme, I'm not. I'm sorry but I am not," Vladmir was serious.

That moment when everything is perfectly aligned balanced like a house of cards. That moment when the wind knocks it over mercilessly. That happened. I felt myself shatter. My heart collapsed and my body folded in on itself. A state of numb overcoming me but not even that could hold out against the pain. The universe ending pain.

It's like having a baby be slaughtered before you, your husband murdered, your mother burned at the stake, your father shot, and your rapist delivers this news to you. It's like a holde is punched through your chest and in the hole is fire and venom and pain and knives stabbing you alive. The pain is shredding you while acid bathes you. You can't escape it. You are doomed. It is like finding out everything is nothing.

I fall to my knees and I can't stop the screams from coming. Glass shattering, house shaking, ear bleeding, blood boiling, painfilled screams. I claw at myself as I shale with screams. Vladmir and Stefan freeze in their pursuits. Maybe my pain scared them away, mad them have mercy, or maybe they thought the torture was entertaining to watch.


"I want to see my baby!" I shout at the frantic nurse. She wears pink scrubs and has frizzy blonde hair. Her face is sweaty and tense, wrinkles sticking out. "Please, why won't you give me my baby?"

The nurse breaks down in to tears. They roll down her face and male puddles on the floor and I fear she will flood the room. "I'm so sorry," she mumbles and I barely understand her between the sobs. "He died...of...lung fever. Your baby is dead, I'm so sorry!"

Time freezes. You have a moment where you watch everything playback. Every rape, every hit, smack, kick, punch, pinch, burn, beating, yelling, every everything I have endured and suffered to get to this point was all for nothing. Then the shattering as I relive every moment. Every beating, every screaming match, I contort flipping over in spasms on my cot. The screams start. The nurse flees the room in sobs. She is shaking with tremors as her tears fly off her face. I scream louder than I ever thought possible.

People check up on me but I don't notice. My eyes are squeezed tight as my body spazzes with my screams. The pain is unbearable. It's like you are trying to swim with an anchor tied to you. I am sinking fast. I am drawing. The water is surrounding me just like in my dream. My dream. Days pass but I don't notice. The doctors finally dismiss me or mre so kick me out.

"How are you, Ms. Platt?" a nurse asks as he takes me out to the taxi they have called for me.

I put on a smile but it's one of those creepy insane smiles people who are murders or hiding something have in all the movies. "I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" my voice is like a double side blade, one deadly edge.

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