Chapter 12: Carlisle present (6 years after breaking dawn)

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"Carlisle," Alice mumbled in utter shock. She ran to the pilot's cabin and scanned the widgets double checking herself. "We're not going to make it."

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

"There's not enough fuel to make it to Isle Esme," Edward finished, having seen Alice's vision.

"What? What are we going to do?" Bella spoke up, clutching Nessie.

"If we crash there could be a fire, an explosion..." Rosalie added cuddling up to Emmett. She looked in to his eyes amd turned to us,"We wouldn't survive. We'd be burnt to a crisp.."

"Then we jump," Jasper announced, he wrapped his arms around Alice's small figure, protectively.

"Jasper's got a good idea," Edward spoke up.

"One step ahead of you," Alice chirped forcing open the emergency exit door.

"What the hell are you doing?" Mr. Bland called he stood up and turned to come see what was going on.

"We won't be needing your services after all, you can keep the money though from what I see you won't be needing it," Alice smiled sweetly.

"Wha-" he began.

"We don't have much time, we are over water now so-"

"I can't swim as you all can," Renesmee piped up. "I might not even survive the impact-"

"I won't risk my daughter," Bella added. "I'm sorry, Carlisle."

"I wouldn't survive," Jacob added.

"Then what do we do?" Edward asked.

"Wait and hope we don't die in the explosion," Alice said lifelessly. "But Jasper and I are jumping, we will save Esme if you choose to sit around to save a dog. Sorry," She held Jasper's hand and they dove out the door. It was beautiful, like a well rehearsed olympic diver's dive.

"I-" I spoke up. "I havd to save Esme." I walked to the edge of the door and I peered out. I glanced at my family. Nessie in Jacob's arms. Rosalie and Emmett debating what to do. Bella glancing sympathetically at me and at Edward like thdy were sentenced to death. Edward stared at me.

"So this is it then," he mumbled.

"You have always been smart, you'll figure something out," I whispered and jumped. The wind slammed in to me but it was like a caressing breeze. Alice and Jasper were conversing as they fell below me. It was strange to watch two people talk as they plummeted to the ground, knowing nothing would happen. I heard a whoop and looked up. Emmett had jumpdd and he held Renesmee in his arms. She screamed in terror but he hollered in excitement. His arms bound tightly around her to protect her from impact.

An annoyed looking Rosalie held Jacob in her arms. "Thanks blondie-" Jake was saying with a sly grin.

"I'll drop you, mutt," She hissed and loosened her grip.

"Deal," he panicked clinging to her and she smirked.

"Admit it you need me dog," she challenged dangling him by his scruff.

"Okay, okay! I need you, I, JACOB BLACK, NEED YOU, ROSALIE HALE!" Jake screamed.

"About time you admitted that," Rosalie smirked.

"Rose, stop teasing the dog," Edward joked.

Bella smiled, she clung to Edward's back and they laughed.

I hit the water and it's coolness surrounded me. I pushed forward following wjere Alice amd Jasper were leading. My arms slicing the water apart forcing it to move. Not long after the plane exploded in bits around us. Normally I would have pitied Mr. Bland, butt not when my Esme was involved.

We swam forward and I could see Isle Esme in the distance. Smoke was rising up from it. No.

Finding Isle Esme (the prequel/end of the Forever Alice trilogy)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum