Chapter 7: Esme Cullen 1917

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I woke up and the sun was shining down, it was excited too. The sun shined on my white bed an Lenette surged in. "Today's the day," She exclaimed throwing back the curtains. Lenette was right, today was the day. The day I would be married to Charles Evenson, the last and final suitor my parents had found for me. That backed me in to a corner and I wanted nothing more than to please my parents so I had agrees to marriage. I loved him, I thought so anyway. The wedding would be nothing short of extravagant since Charles had insisted he pay for it and surely nothing short of perfection would be expecte regardless of the price. He could feed a third world country with all of his inheritance and money. Lenette pulled the dress bag out of the glass chest it had been displayed in. She unzipped the clear bag and laid the dress out carefully in front of me and I gasped. This wa the second time I had seen the dress and it was marvelous. It was not me at all but it was an amazingly beautiful extraordinary dress.

"So beautiful," I whispered in awe.

"Come on, no ditty-dally today," Lenette rushed me and I ran my fingers along the seams.

The dress had a frilly collar that reached just below my chin and long transparent lace sleeves that reached my wrists and had holes for my thumbs. It was studded with pearls and diamonds and embroidered with the most intricate designs along the hem. Lace covered the bosom and it was slight transparent. The back was cut out along my spine and replaced with white lace seen on the sleeves and bosom. A bit inappropriate but I did not dare argue worth Charles. Lenette handed me my new pair of starch white bloomers. I slowly pulled them on and they hugged my hips snuggly. They were specifically for wedding dresses and they squeezed your bottom and lega tucking them in as tightly as possible. She untied my white wedding corset and I raised my arms as she wrapped it around my chest. I grunted as she yanked on the strings. "Suck in child," Lenette commanded. I took a deep breath and she pulled the strings. The corset squeezed my chest and forced my lungs to stay in. I could barely move and if I tried to breath it would surely burst.

Lenette finished idly tying up the corset and I sighed taking a relaxing, calming, comforting breath. She picked up my dress and began throwing it over my head. I carefully slipped in to it and resisted the urge to throw the itchy material off my body. I stared at myself in the mirror and I wanted to sob. This was not me. The dress accentuated my hips and complimented my small chest size. Lenette blotted at the corner of her eyes. "You look lovely Esme," she whispered hoarse. I assumed she thought that was why tears stung y eyes and I dare not correct her.

She sat me down and fiddled with my hair. A mess of caramel on top of a petite head. She combed through it vigorously and I bit my lip in pain. She pulled it up, twisted it, curled it, let it down, and started over again. It was torturous and I wanted to scream at her to just choose a style and stick with it! Finally she twirled my hair and half pulled it up in a weird twist thing that she said all the upper class women were wearing to their weddings. My immediate response was,"Well I wan to be a different person, a unique girl, my own girl," but that would only get me disapproval an shame so I nodded holding m tongue.

Regina, the lower farm hand, came in to prepare my face. She powdere my cheeks with brought pink blush and painted my eyes with natural colors. Apparently they accented my brown eye color. By noon the limousine had arrived and I had to go. It was long and reminded me more of a hearse sending me to my death. That's how I felt, I knew I shouldn't but although I loved him or thought I did anyway, I couldn't help fearing being bound to him through matrimony.

My parents and all the guests were already sitting at the church when I arrived. Charles was waiting at the end of the aisle and I want to run. I could escape, I told myself. Run and never come back. Go out west and become a teacher like I wanted to become, but my family would suffer the consequences and I didn't want to hurt them.

A white satin aisle was rolled out an red rose petals strategically placed beside it. The wedding march was starting on the organ and my father waited for me anxiously. I linked arms and began my descent down the aisle. Closer and closer to my death. Fear surrounded me and I felt like I was drowning. Last chance to turn back, turn back now, too late. That's what the smiling faces of the guests said to me. Not literally but it sure felt like that.

Charles me my father at the endnof the aisle and looped his arm with mine and my father turned to me. He flipped my veil up revealing my face and took his seat. Don't leave! I wanted to scream. I couldn't explain why but something felt wrong about this marriage. I had assumed it was cold feet at the time but later I would learn it was instinct warning me of a predator. Charles smiled at me and at the crowd and we turned standing before the pastor.

"You may be seated," the pastor said. He posed his bible and began to speak. "We are here today to witness the union of sir Charles Evenson to Esme Anne Platt through holy matrimony. "

The organ player began playing a Beautoful tune and there was a moment of silence for the whole song.

"Bring forth the rings," the pastor ordered and the music changed to a slow climax building song.

A small child with a pillow on which the rings were hooked strode to the pastor. He knelt and raised the pillow above his head. Charles unhooked my ring and I unhooked his playing with it in my hand.

"If there is anyone who should object to this union speak bow or forever hold your peace," the pastor stated and I screamed, "OBJECT!" internally.


"Okay. I, Charles Evenson take Esme Anne Platt," the pastor began.

"I, Charles Evenson take Esme Anne Platt."

"To have and to hold," the pastor spoke.

"To have and to hold."

"To cherish and protect," the pastor said.

"To cherish and protect."

"Through sickness and through health," the pastor spoke aloud.

"Through sickness and through health."

"'Til death do us part," the pasor finished.

"'Til death do us part,"Charles finished.

"Do you?" the pastor asked.

"I do."Charles said sliding the ring on my finger.

The pastor recited the same spiel to me and then he asked, "Do you?"

"I do," I whispered hoarse and I slid the ring on Charles's finger.

"Then by the power invested in me granted only by the grace of our Father I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your betrothed."

Charles grabbed me and his lips were on mine. I wrapped my hands around his back and he controlled this kiss. I thought it was a kiss of love but it's a kiss of death, a kiss of ownership. Charles pulled away and he whispered in my ear, "You are mine. My Esme." I was paralyzed with terror my gut had been right as we walked down the aisle to the limousine. Our friends and family threw rice at us as we dove away to his house for our honeymoon, to start the nightmare.

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