Chapter 2: Carlisle present time (6 years after breaking dawn)

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"Esme?" I called out as I walked in to the house. "Esme, dear?"

I listened but there waa no rustling of fabric as she rusned down the stairs, no inhale and exhale of unneeded breath. Not the familiar sound of her beautiful caramel hair swishing as she moved. Not even the gentle noise of her unneeded blinks, nothing. She must be over at Eleazer's, I thought to myself. I slowly climbed the stairs in no rush because Esme was just next door. As I walked into our room her scent slammed into me and I smiled. Lilac and roses an sweet happiness. Joy beamed off of her, she was everything pure and lovely and beautiful. My Esme, I thought to myself as I laid my coat on the bed. I ran my hand along the edge of the desk and studied her latest blueprints. It was for our home in Montanna, she was planning on adding a theatre to the basement. Oh, Esme, such great ideas. Her sketches were beautiful and I always encourage her to draw but designing was her niche and I was fine with that. She was perfect just te way she was. I ran down the stairs and too Eleazer's house. As I ran out something smelled off to me. Someone smelled off...I just nodded it off and continued to Eleazer's and Carmen's home.

"Eleazer? Carmen? Tanya?-"

"Carlisle you need not go through all of our names we are here, I mean where else could we be?" Garrett rang out turning the corner. That sly grin on his face as his shaggy hair swayed when he moved.

"Garrett, always a pleasure," I informed him and he chuckled.

"You need something?" He asked as Kate rounded the corner.

Her slick straight blonde hair flew out behind her as she ran to meet us. She embraced me and I kissed her cheek. "He means we're so glad tosee you," Kaye laughed correcting her husband.

Garrett shook his head jokingly and said,"No, I'm pretty sure I meant what I said before. "

"To answer your question my revolutionary friend I am here to get my wife," I informed him.

"Carlisle, Esme's not here," Carmen spoke up from the othe room. She quickly sprinted in and stared at me with real concern. "We haven't seen her all day."

My throat tightened and my gut flipped over on itself. "Esme'" They all shook their heads in no's. "Just take a whiff Carlisle, do you smell her?" Carmen asked brushing a strain of black brown hair from her tanned face.

I did smell her but it was days old. Esme had nit been here today. Then without hesitation I was back in the house. Surely she was nearby hunting maybe but why go alone? I realized with my house smelled off. Romanians. The Romanian Coven had been here. Vladmir specifically his scent was strongest off all. A paper caught my attention and the Denalis came in behind me. My heart stopped, or it would have if it had been beating.

"Carlisle?" Carmen asked looking over my shoulder. "Oh no!"

My heart shattered and I was lost inside myself. No, why would she do this? Why? Then as I stared at the note I noticed a tiny error the person had made in forgering he hand writing. One, I did not believe she had written it because I smelled Vladmir and Stefan, second, Esme would never leave me, right? Yes, Carlisle don't e a fool you are soulmates! I reprimanded myself. Thirdly, I knew my wife's handwriting and Esme most definitetly made the tail of her "m" as it swooped under the "e" atleast a centimeter and a half longer than this "m" 's tail was. The joy of being a vampire, you don't miss a single detail.

"This is not her handwriting and do you smell the Romanians as well?" I asked them. Alice flew in the window upstairs and clamred down.

"CARLISLE! Carlisle Esme's been kidnapped, Stefan, Vladmir." Alice was in tears well she would have been if she could produce tears.

"What incentive would the Romanians have to take your mate? Itdoesn't make sense," Eleazer shook his head disapprovingly.

"Alice didn't finish explaining," Edward chirped up. "They took Esme because we destroyed the Volturi and did not ask for their aid. They plan on taking her to Volterra and expose her in front of the humans. Even if against her own will Marcus will destroy all three."

No. "Over my pile of ashes," I screamed running tothe garage. I found my red Ferrari and got in.

Alice and Jasper were in her yellow Porsche. They clasped hands and held them up for us to see. Edward and Bella were in the Volvo and Renesmee was in the back with Jacob. Jacob was clutching Renesmee to hima dn Edward held Bella close. Rosalie and Emmett were driving the Jeep, because Rose did not want to increase w red convertible's mileage. The Denalis were in their car and I drove off, my family following me. Everyone had their windows down slightly so we could all communicate.

"I won't let them hurt her!" I screamed out the window. Screaming was unnecessary but I was filled with rage. I never deserved something as good and pure as Esme this was my punishment for changing her, for risking her soul.

"No it's not Carlisle!" Edward said, his teeth clenched. "This happened because the Romanians are bastards who care about power and dominance, and there is nothing they do better than revenge."

Edward, sometimes his mind reading was annoying. I pushed the pedal all the way down and sped forward. The car lurched and flew forward. "How much time Alice?"

She pursed her lips in thought and then she went blank. She was having a vision. Edward hissed the most ferocious dangerous sound I had ever heard and his car raced forward furiously. "Carlisle you're going to kill Stefan and Vladmir and I am going to burn their rapist bodies to the ground!" My mind didn't tale long to catch up.

No, poor Esme. she's faced so much human horror and now this. I growled and drove a fast as my car would allow but it seemed so slow.

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