Chapter 14: Carlisle (switches between 1921 and present)

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"Did you hear?" Lilia, a blonde nurse who has desperately been flirting with me, asked.

"Hear what?" I asked nonchalantly.

"About the suicide victim, she was so tattered they tookher straight to the morgue." Lilia informed me.

"Really? They didn't even try to revive her?" I asked in shock.

"Nope. Would you though? When you have patient that have a chance and sorb inflict themselves with the injury?" Lilia asked me.

"Everyone deserves life, second chances- what was her name?" I asked just for curiosity's sake.

"Esme Platt."

I was gone, running, sprinting.

"Hold on Esme, keep your heart beating."

"ESME!" I shrieked seeing the smoke. "Edward!" he knew what I was thinking and he ha me in an instant. We were swimming. I on Edward's back. He was the fastest. The quickest. The only way to save her. "Hold on Esme! I LOVE YOU!" I screamed at the island.

Please don't be too late, please. I prayed. Please Esme please.

"Carlisle they strapped her with steel to the white bed and lit the house on fire!" Alice screamed. "We will catch Vladmir and Stefan."

"Don't kill them!" I hissed. "I will be the one to execute them."

The others nodded.


I saw her. Lying on the cot, so still. She was in shambles. Definitely suffering from paralysis. Her caramel hair was a mess around her. She was cover in bruises but they were older too. Not from her suicide attempt. I recognize her as the happy Beautoful young girl whom I desperately had wanted to change. Even if just for a friend. She would be the one person to accept me. Now I had Edward as a son and friend. She seemed so helpless and I realized her eyes were open. I only notice because they moved and locked on me. Her heart was beating just barely as if she was trying o keep it going. She wanted to live.

"Esme," I whispered. "You promised to be safe." I couldn't let her die. I leaned over her cot and my mouth was inches from the pulse of blood in her neck. The warm heavenly smell. I bit down and her body raised up in response o meet me. She gasped ad I felt the warn gush of blood in my mouth. I yanked myself away. I cradled er in my arms and fled to the house. To Edward. I felt terrrible. The whole time she screamed. Screams of pain, excruciating torture. I knew it. I had been through it.

Edward was waiting for me at home and as I carried her in he tried to piece together everything through my thoughts. "You love her?" he asked me.

"I...I don't know," I lied to him. He smirked. Of course he kew I was lying.

I held Esme's hand and sat by her the whole time whispering apologies.

Edward reached the house and shot off his back and in to the flaming house. I saw Esme, eyes closed not wanting to watch her death, strapped to the burning bed. She would burn in seconds. I lunged and landed by her. I tore at the steel and iron. Fury and needing to save her rushif through me. I crumpled the metal on the ground and clutched my wife. A beam collapse on the floor and flames flew up in tothe air. I dove out the window. Glass shattering around us.

"Carlisle," she gasped a smile on her face. "Oh you were right. We are in heaven!" Esme hugged my neck. "No golden gates or-

"Esme dear, you aren't dead." I kissed her so passionatetlt. The whole island could have caught on fire and we wouldn't have noticed. "We never were dead. Esme I love you, I love you, I love you. I am so sorry about why happened. I failed to protect you. I Ernie if you want space, don't want me to touch you-"

Esme pulled her naked self closer to me. " can touch me anytime."

I ripped off my shirt and gave it to her. She pulled it on and it covered her butt. It covered down to her knees. I was a bit taller than her. She clung to me and gasped, "Vladmir!"


Esme only took three and a half days to change. To my delight her spine had healed and everything had healed perfectly. Her brown eyes were gone replaced with auburn red. She was amazing, startling, beautiful, perfect.

"Esme, my name is Carlisle Cullen we have met before. I am vampire and so is Edward here and so are you. I changed you when I found you in the morgue your heart still beating. I understand if you hate me, if you want space, if you don't want us to touch you."

Esme smiled,"Thank you."

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