Chapter three

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We sat at dinner finishing our food and about to order desert. "so justin what did u go to college for" he sat his drink down and cleared his throat "lawyer" I nodded "yeah we thought it would be great for him" Sydney said and I nodded again sitting back in my chair.

I sit there confused at Justin's decision to go to law school instead of for music like he planned...Juilliard was his was his life. But something made me think someone changed his mind.

As Justin and Sydney went into deep conversation and I was zoning I heard s gasp. I looked over to see justin on one knee while Sydney sat with her hand over her mouth.

"Sydney anne mcCoy, we have been together for almost 5 years. through high school I didn't think of being any one else, I wanted to marry you, have kids with you. so I ask you ' will u marry me" she was silent and so was the entire restaurant before answered. and when she did my heart shattered "yes" he placed the ring on her finger. the whole room clapped and she jumped into his arms.

As they took in each others hugs and kisses I stood up, excusing myself, and walked outside. I pulled a smoke out of purse and a lighter. I perched my lips and slipped the cigarette between my teeth and lit the deadly cancer I held in my mouth and inhaled the smoke.

I leaned my head against the wall and took everything in. I don't think I could be here for 3 months while they planned it all. I nodded to myself as I made my plans and through my cigarette to the ground and stomped it.

I walked towards the road and called a taxi. getting in I called Sydney but I only got her voicemail. "h-hey syd um something came up and I'm going back to America, zack needs me so I'll call you back soon. you know the address so just send the invite there" I sniffed and wiped my under my eyes "I'll see you soon, congrats on the engagement" I then hung up and waited to arrive to Sydney's to change and get my bike.

The heart wants what it wants.(justin Bieber story)Where stories live. Discover now