Chapter 12

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I sat at the long table beside justin and sydney across from me as we ate our food. My eyes drifted up as I felt Justin's hand hold mine under the table. I smiled a small smile then went back to eating.

'Clink clink clink' was the sound I heard as sydney stood up. "um I'd like to make an announcement" she said excitedly "justin baby stand up" she said and he let go of my hand and stood up "we and justin are having a baby" she said excitedly once again and everyone clapped as she kissed him.

Justin pov

After sydney made that announcement my breathing hitched and my heart stopped. it was impossible that the baby was mine. I hadn't even had sex with her for a month cause of the wedding planning.

I pulled her close "can I speak to you" and she nodded as I pulled her into the kitchen "that baby can't be mine" she frowned "but it is" I shook my head "no we haven't had sex in a while how along even are you" she thought for a moment "a couple weeks" I shook my head and laughed "we haven't even had sex in a months" I paced "its Ryan's isn't it" she shook her head "then who's is its" I whisper yelled "I don't know" she said back and I stormed out.


As Justin stormed out I looked over at Zach who whispered to me "go follow him make sure he's okay" I nodded and ran after justin. "hey, hey, jay" he turned around with red eyes "t-he baby isn't mine" he hiccuped and I stood beside him "are you sure" I asked and he nodded "lets go to our old place" I suggested and he nodded as we got into his car and we left.

We drove to the park where deep weeds stood behind it. we parked and got out to walk to the forest. I slowly walked through with justin holding his shoulder as he held my waist to keep me from falling.

As we reached our tree house we crawled onto the latter and climbed up until we were inside. As I got in first I turned on the light and sat on the couch, justin followed by shutting the floor aka door and sat next to me.

"I don't want to marry her amy" he said as a tear fell down his face "I only love you" he said again and I sighed "I know and I love you too, but if you d-dont marry her your family is in jeopardy and I don't want you to risk that" she stared at me "Id risk anything for you" I smiled and kissed his cheek.

We laid there for a few more minutes until I seen nothing but black and I feel asleep in his arms as he fell asleep under me.

The heart wants what it wants.(justin Bieber story)Where stories live. Discover now