Chapter seven

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^^^^^^Amy's picture^^^^^^

I woke up the next morning on a different feeling then a couch. as I sat up and rubbed my eyes to wake myself up, but then I realized I was in the bed with justin. he laid on his side facing the window breathing slowly.

I got up and changed my clothes into my stripped Tshirt, biker boots, ripped jeans rolled up, with a red flannel over it since it was 10am and cold. I put my hair into a high messy bun and put my makeup on.

I walked over to justin and shook him a little while bending down to his level. "Justin, hey time to wake up" I said and moved some hair from his face. "do not make me tickle you" I said and He didn't budge "ugh" I said and started to tickle his sides and his neck. he tried not to squirm but then started to laugh and roll around. "okay okay stop" I stopped and laughed "at least your awake " I said then walked to grab my bags and the keys. "get ready I'll take these to the car" he nodded and sat up to get ready.

Justin pov

I sat up and grabbed my clothes getting dressed. I walked to the bathroom and washed my face then grabbed my things thinking of what happened last night.


As I woke up in the middle of the night rolling over and placing my arm on Amy's side to realize she wasn't there. I sat up to see her side was still made thinking of where she was.

I stood up and walked to the bathroom to see if she was there but she wasn't. I turned around too see her on the couch, she looked so uncomfortable.

I pulled the blankets off of her and carried her to the bed and laying her down on her back then covered her with the blankets from the couch. I walked over to my side and laid down while facing her. I watched as she took slow steady breaths and looked so peaceful.

I wish I would of had a chance back in school with amy, but once I was told by syd she was gay I knew my chance was over.. I mean I guess I understand, guys are jerks.. but I would of treated her right, so right. But I'm engaged and I love syd.. at least I think I do.

I walked out the door to the car to see Amy asleep in the passenger seat. I got into the driver seat and buckled her in. I then drove off from the hotel and started our way to toranto again.

The heart wants what it wants.(justin Bieber story)Where stories live. Discover now