Chapter 15

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We had finished our food and a movie or two already. after a while we changed, of course I had no clothes so justin let me borrow some of patties. a plain black tanktop with a bright yellow sweater but I kept his sweatpants on for the fact I didn't wear the same size as pattie.

We sat on the couch, justin sitting normally with his feet up on the coffee table and me with my feet on his lap as he rubbed my ankle. I winced in pain a couple times from it being moved a certain way but I was fine.

I laid back onto the couch, crossed my arms and closed my eyes. I heard a chuckle then next my foot was being sat down and I was picked up and within seconds being laid back down. I slowly opened my eyes to see I was laying sideways like justin as my face was on his chest and his chin on top of mine. His arms wrapped around me tightly, and protectively. I smiled and hugged him softly then closed my eyes again.

"Amy" he said in a hickey whisper "yeah jay" I asked back "what would we do if I didn't marry sydney and I ran away with you? Where would we go" he asked and my eyes opened "I-I don't know justin... maybe move to America? And find you a job up there doing what you really want to do. Buy an apartment" he sighed "yeah" and I closed my eyes as they began to water "but idk if we could" he looked down at me "what do u mean" I looked up at him with watery eyes... "your mom, your family I-" he cut me off "they will move with us then, I'll file a restraining order on them anything but I want to be with you" he said wiping my tears.

As we leaned in about to kiss I had a gut feeling it would be the last because as soon as we were centimeters apart the front door opened and there stood pattie in shock. I got up and grabbed my things. "I'm sorry" is all I said before leaving and walking to my car or more like running to my car and hopped in. I looked at the house as justin stood by the large window and whispered "goodbye justin" and then drove off.

The heart wants what it wants.(justin Bieber story)Where stories live. Discover now