18: To Modernity

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A/N: Before you come for me in the comment section, I thought it'll be cool if Reader-chan used to do gymnastics back in the modern world like Homura (she's adorable btw). Besides, I never brought it up in the other chapters as it wasn't an important aspect of Reader-chan. So, it only appears now since it's related in this chapter. 

For a fun fact, Reader-chan used to do gymnastics from a young age until middle school where she stopped because she found a new passion which is, of course, Senku and science. 

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter!


"Th-They even cut through Hyoga-san's spear!" A bulky enemy exclaimed, eyes wide with incredulity and realizing they were clearly on the losing end, he instructed his fellow comrades to make a run for it, "Damn it, it's useless! Run for it!"

As the enemies turned on their heels and fled, tears of relief welled up in Ginro's eyes as he cheered, fist pumping into the air in victory, "We did it!"

While the rest of your friends celebrated their win, your gut feeling was telling you that something about this was off when you saw the impassive look on Hyoga's face as he didn't take off like his subordinates.

You could tell that the white-haired teen was someone who prided himself on his excellent fighting prowess, so for him to remain so calm after having his favoured weapon destroyed, an ally turned betrayer and his men making themselves scarce as soon as they realized they were losing, it just didn't sit right with you.

You felt like this man was as cunning as he was confident on the battlefield which meant he wouldn't just admit defeat without having one last trick up his sleeve to turn the table on him. And the feeling of unease deepened when Hyoga started to compliment the battle team's impressive skill displayed during their fight.

"Remarkable athleticism, coordinated teamwork, and dirty betrayal..." He stated in a quiet, calm tone as he turned to Senku with unreadable eyes, "And the scientific knowledge to create guns and Japanese katanas. You people truly seem to know the proper way to do things."

Senku made a small noise of confusion as he tried to make sense of the other's words. However, the seed of anxiety that you had felt from the beginning, took root at the man's following words; blooming into vines that wound themselves around your heart, causing your heartbeat to race at the tightness of it.

"It would have been even more proper if you had realized that all of this was a distraction," Hyoga continued, steel-blue eyes peeking open to reveal the truth behind his master plan all this while.

While Kinro and Ginro exchanged confused looks, ruby-red widened with horror as realization dawned upon him. Whipping his head around, Senku was greeted with the blazing sight of the village – the straw roofs of the houses dancing with flames as though the sun herself was taking a stroll through the village, setting everything in her path on fire.

(E/C) eyes grew tenfold as you watched the enfolding scene in terror, your hands curling into tight fists, "T-The village..."

"So that's what they were after..." The scientist mumbled, his lips twisted into a grimace as he drank in the haunting sight.

"Crap! A fire!" Chrome shouted in alarm while the villagers scrambled for their lives; their terrified screams filling the night air as buildings collapsed around them.

The commotion drew Ruri out of her hut, a shocked gasp leaving her lips at the chaotic scene, and she wasted no time in instructing both of her guards to go help her fellow people, "Jasper! Turquoise! I don't need protection! Save the children!"

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