Thank You!

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To everyone who stuck by me:

We've finally come to the end of "Constant Variable" after almost a good two years! Wow, I can't believe it took me this long to finish a story since the previous two took me no longer than a year at most. Speaking of that, I WANT TO THANK EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU WHO HAS STUCK BY ME UNTIL THE VERY END! It was a very long process but we did it HAHAHA! But, on a serious note, thank you for your patience and understanding on why my weekly updates have become monthly ever since I started university and now, working as an adult. It really warms my heart to know that you care for me and I really appreciate that. Also, thank you for the never endless words of encouragement, support and love towards this story and my writing. To those who have been following my writing journey since the very first story till now, thank you for reading and loving every single of my work even if it isn't the anime that you love. As for those who joined recently, thank you for being a part of this family and giving me a chance to my other work as well. Know that, from the deepest bottom of my heart, I love each of you.

Now, onto the next matter that I'm sure you're dying to know. The million-dollar question is, will I be continuing this story with Season 2? I'm sorry to say this, but as of now, I've no plans to write a sequel. The reason is that I'm kind of done with Dr Stone and its fandom for now as I want to move on to the next fandom. HOWEVER, I may consider coming back to Dr Stone in the future and MAYBE, write the sequel based on Season 2. For now, it's a huge MAYBE so there are no promises. If I do decide to come back, I'll make an announcement here so don't worry about missing out on it. But, for now, the journey of Senku and Reader ends here.

All in all, thank you for your dedication and love towards "Constant Variable" and for supporting me from the beginning to the end. As always, happy reading and I'll see you in my other stories!

Much love,


Constant Variable (Senku x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now