Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


The movie was more of a thriller and I wasn't paying attention to any of it. My attention was mostly on her. The light that projected from the movie made her look perfect. I've never seen anyone quite like her. She seems so pure and yet something about her is different.

"What's wrong?" She says while looking back at me and the movie.

"Nothing." I return my gaze back to the movie and try to keep it like that.


I felt his stare on me before, but I didn't let it bother me until I felt it trail. Something about his stare just gave me harsh chills down my spine. The movie was interesting, but a thriller of its kind. I don't really see these types of movies that often.

As I reached for more popcorn in the bowl i felt another hand touch mine. I pull back instantly and look at Mark. He has hand in the bowl, just staring at me at surprise. I was not expecting that. I sit back into my chair and just swallow air that remained in my mouth. I don't like this.


We walked out the theater and just stood by each other. The silence between us grew more awkward and shy,but he broke it.

"Did you like it?"

"Yeah, it was nice."

"I feel the same, and I'm guessing you want to go home."

"I do."

"Okay. I'll take you to your car, but can I have your number?"


"So I can talk to you whenever. You actually don't have to see me in person this way." The sound of sarcasm rolled off his tongue.

"Okay, I guess so. Just don't text me in the middle of the night. I'm sleeping during that time and I don't like it when I wake up because I can never go back to sleep."


"Now please take me to my car at the beach."

I got into his car and buckled in myself before he could get into his own car. He sat in, placed the key into the ignition and drove.

The drive back to the beach was silent, neither of us were talking. I was to busy looking up at the night sky filled up with white stars and the moon big and round. I counted each star I could, I was distracted by them. I knew they were giant balls of gas, but something within me knew one of them was.... Yeah.

"And we are here."

He pulled up to my car and I sat there for a split second. A part of me didn't want to leave just yet.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired and all."

"You sure?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Well I guess I'll talk to you later, tomorrow maybe.

I nod and jump out. I shut the door and walk over to my car. As I got out my keys, Mark sat there in his car. Why? Is he making sure I'm okay before I got in? So nice.

I unlock my door and slip in before starting it up. I then hear Mark's car drive away slowly, I was sort of relieved. I put on my seatbelt and leave the beach area. I was tired and just wanted to go home.


I laid in bed, thinking about tonight. Nothing much happened tonight, but it's been awhile since I've gone out with someone. Mark also did tell me a lot about himself, just the basics I would say. I don't know why, but when he looked at me I always felt the uneasy feeling, but yet I felt like it was normal. It's hard to explain, but it just gets me a bit nervous.

"Honey, I'm going to bed. Will you be up any longer?" My mother said through the door.

"No, I'll go to bed in a bit." I sat up from my previous position and stared straight at the wall. I just realized in that small moment of thinking that I have been doing nothing but thinking about tonight. I don't have friends and I don't go out that much, so it has me hooked I guess. A small new experience for me.

I then hear my phone start to vibrate off my bed side table. I grab it and see that it had a unknown message. I open it and see the message, "It's me, Mark."

I texted back immediately with, "hello? Shouldn't you be in bed right now?"

"I don't go to bed early, I have things to do at night."

"A literal night owl."

"Yes, I don't do much during the day. I mostly record during the day."

"What do you record?"

"I record videos. Video games."

"What kind of games?"

"Indie horror, all types to be honest. But mostly indie horror."

"I've never seen any horror or indie games. Do you post them somewhere?"

"I post them on YouTube."

"I've heard of it, but I've never used it before."

"WHAT!? You've never used youtube before?!"


"Oh my god, HOW?!"

"I just haven't. I don't really find any use for it besides music videos. Even then I won't use it."

"YouTube is not just for music videos...YouTube is used for multiple reasons. It's used to express and share the creativity of a person, what they like to do most. I don't just post videos of me playing games for fun. I post them because I've grown up with video games, it's a passion of mine that I would love to do for the rest of my life and I am. YouTube is a place of meaning and creativity, it's more than a website, it's a place to get away."

"Very passionate about YouTube I'm guessing."

"It's a place to get away. You need to experience that."

"Maybe another day."

"When you do, it will be with me. I will show you everything about YouTube. It's easy to learn, but it gets crazy and weird at times."

"I'll be waiting. For weirdness."

"Trust me, it's coming."

"Well it's getting late for me, I'm going to bed."

"Good night 'early bird' , I think I'm going to call you that from now on."


"What time do you get up normally?"



"Good night, Mark."

"Good night, early bird. See you in the morning."

I plugged in my phone into the charger and laid back down into my bed. I snuggle my head into the pillow and close my eyes so that I could at least look like I'm going to sleep.


"Good night, early bird. See you in the morning."

No reply after that, just nothing. I laid back into the chair and stared off into my computer screen. I was just surfing the Internet, doing nothing but research. I wanted to look her up to see if I could find anything on her, but I want to be surprised by this one. I feel like that is what I will be getting with this one.

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