Chapter 5

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For a really long time, Taehyung just sat there, numb, not thinking about anything, just trying to shield from all the pain. He hoped more than anything that the King was a man of his word and that his family was safe since he was still alive.

Taehyung was hungry, thirsty, cold. Suddenly realising he was able to do something about one of his problems, he got up in search of water.

Because of the way the sound echoed in the uneven surfaces of the cave, it was impossible to tell the direction the sound of water was coming from. Taehyung shuffled a little further in, listening and looking around, wary of the beast hidden somewhere within.

As scared as he was, Taehyung had realised that he was not going to die, not just yet anyway. He thought this because even though the Wolf had been aware of his presence for many hours, it was yet to attack him.

Taehyung stepped back toward the centre of the cave, listening and looking around, trying to find the water. His finally adjusted eyes scanned the walls around the space and when they found the furthest corner, his whole being stopped.

There was not a breath, not even a blink left in Taehyung's body when he stared into the fiery red pair of eyes gazing directly back at him.

Instant panic rose in Taehyung, yet he dared not move, he was not able to move. Frozen on the spot, all he could do was to stand still and watch the being approach him, appearing larger and larger the closer he got until Taehyung was better able to distinguish its sinister shape in the darkness.

The bright red eyes were the kinds of eyes that went with the definite Alpha smell lingering in the air but this Alpha was no Alpha Taehyung had ever seen -this one was at least double the size of any other he'd ever seen. It felt like his figure filled the whole cave with his presence.

For a moment, Taehyung just stared and tried to make sense of what he was seeing. Even in his moment of panic he thought the Alpha was magnificent, he even thought he was beautiful for a brief instant before his fear threatened to overtake all logical thought.

Taehyung's body finally kicked into flight mode and he took an urgent step back, only to fall flat on his back when his shaking legs refused to take his weight.

Completely paralysed with fear, Taehyung lay on his back, arms tight to his sides and waited for his death. He was sure he might die from a heart attack even before the giant wolf could kill him, that's how loud and erratic his heart was, bouncing in his chest.

Despite the size of the paws being big enough to crush Taehyung's head like a grape, they were silent on the soft floor. The only thing Taehyung could hear was the creature's slow breath, the deep quiet rumbling rising from the depths of his chest, almost like distant thunder.

When the shape moved slowly over Taehyung, climbing up his body with a paw on either side, he scrunched his eyes shut, trying to make himself as invisible as possible, turning his face away to avoid confrontation.

His whole body was shaking in terror and tears were streaming down his cheeks to land on the ground without a sound.

When the lethal tear of a bite didn't come, Taehyung wondered why.

He was even more confused when, suddenly, he felt rather calm, the rich scent of the alpha floating over him, easily centring him, lessening his fears. He was no longer sure if the wolf even wanted to hurt him.

In our darkest moments...(TAEKOOK 18+ A/B/O) COMPLETENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ