Chapter 10

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Wordlessly, JungKook gathered the limp figure and carried him to the water.

"Here." He said, removing Taehyung's messy pants before lifting him into the comforting embrace of water.

It was cool and refreshing and while Taehyung enjoyed the familiar, welcome sensations of it over his heated body, he admired the perfect being standing in front of him, washing his glistening muscles. Taehyung felt the pink fog of his heat clear a little.

He frowned when he saw the dark red that stained the bandage. Suddenly his whole being was filled with worry and shame over his careless and selfish actions.

"Mm-msorry. Are you OK? I shouldn't have... did I hurt you?" his small voice barely carried over to JungKook who only smiled and gently shook his head.

"You would never be able to hurt me even if you tried, Angel." Unless you break my heart... JungKook tried not to think about that part, instead his fingers flitted along the perfect curve of Taehyung's jawline while he admired the unearthly face that immediately turned to look up at him.

JungKook didn't think he'd ever get bored of looking at Taehyung. If given the chance, he would happily worship at his feet for the rest of his life, give him anything he ever wanted or asked for, even more than that. He would surely give Taehyung everything.

Taehyung had been sitting on his heels, the shallow water lapping against his soft thighs when he shuffled closer to JungKook and lifted up onto his knees.

"Let me see, please." His fingers moved tentatively, reaching up toward the bandage. He didn't touch until JungKook gave his silent nod of approval.

A slow hissing noise escaped from between Taehyung's teeth when his brows furrowed at the sight of the gash.

"It's still bad, but it's stopped bleeding, so that's something." He said, desperately looking for positives in the situation. His slender fingers rested on JungKook's abdomen, near the dressing, stalling, as if the power of his touch would heal the broken flesh.

The deep blue eyes staring directly into JungKook's soul seemed to hold almost infinite anguish, so much so that he couldn't help but to reassure Taehyung again, to try and ease his obvious guilt over something that wasn't the least bit his fault.

"Hey, it's alright, I promise. It's really not even sore now that the bleeding has stopped, I can feel it healing already." He said softly, wanting to comfort Taehyung physically but refraining from doing so for fear of slipping away from his noble principles.

Infinitesimally, Taehyung's shape relaxed at JungKook's words, relief slowly spreading, moving in to replace concern.

It didn't take long for Taehyung to forget his guilt when his attention shifted toward the contours in front of his eyes, looming so close to him. His eyes turned dark at the sight of the impressive member now leisurely hanging between the Alpha's legs -almost directly in front of his face.

Taehyung licked his lips, his hands sliding downwards across the bumps of JungKook's muscles. He might have been temporarily satiated by the generous assistance from JungKook but it had done nothing to quench the actual thirst that was lingering, still very much sizzling directly under his charged skin.

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