Chapter 6

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Over a course of the first few weeks, the two strangers thrown together by chance became used to being in each other's company. Taehyung didn't really feel that afraid and JungKook didn't really feel the need to avoid Taehyung quite so much. They had learned each other's routines, natural times of sleep. JungKook had become more used to Taehyung's scent, it didn't drive him quite as wild now, he merely enjoyed the soft familiarity of it. He felt comforted by Taehyung's presence. It was good to have company after having spent such a long time on his own.

"I-I-I'm Taehyung." The soft, rich and melodic voice said from somewhere across the cave.

The sound of someone speaking to him in a normal manner was so unexpected for someone who had not only been feared all his life but who had also lived in silence for years that for a brief moment JungKook considered the possibility that he may have imagined it.

The slender shape appeared and sat down on the floor where the light made him glow like an angel.

"I figured you aren't going to kill me -if you were planning on doing that, you would have done it already. It's lonely over there." He pulled his knees against his body and hugged them, picking at the fabric stretching over the joint absentmindedly.

Before having the chance to say anything more, a sudden clonking at the door announced the arrival of some indeterminable goo that Taehyung figured was supposed to serve as food. When Taehyung walked over to get it, he couldn't help but to point out that there was only a single portion when up until now it had always been two.

"Hey, we need two!" Taehyung shouted after the guard.

"Why? You're there to feed the other one!" The guard cackled stomping up the stairs.

Taehyung stared at the plate and the crusty bit of dried bread. He had no choice, he was desperately hungry after having been without food for some days.

Taehyung tried to ignore the steady eyes on him when he settled back down in his usual spot of illusionary safety and ate quietly until he had eaten about half of the food.

Then he looked at the beast and gulped. He got up and walked over toward the dark corner where the musky scent was the strongest.

A small grumble of warning rose from the Wolf and Taehyung felt his legs shake.

"Here. You must be hungry. We can share." He tried a little smile and placed the bowl as close to the Alpha as he dared and ran off in a panic when there was a loud puff of air toward him.

"It's pretty horrid but it's better than nothing." His smile wider, he sat back down.

He hadn't said anything to the Beast about his predicament but now he wanted to. Taehyung didn't know if the Alpha realised or even cared but it bothered him so he shared his worries.

"The King took my wolf. I can't shift. I don't know for how long..." Taehyung hung his head. "In a way I'm glad I'm here, at least I'm safe here with you rather than out there trying to defend myself without the means to do so..." he scratched behind his ear, absentmindedly. It didn't even occur to Taehyung that there could be threat closer to him.

In our darkest moments...(TAEKOOK 18+ A/B/O) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now