Chapter 7

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Something tickled Taehyung's nose and when he moved his hand to scratch, he brought even more tickly fluffiness to his face.

Dazed, he cracked his eyes open, finding he had burrowed completely into the fuzziness, wrapping his arms and legs all the way around the tail.

Suddenly realising where he was, he stiffened and looked around in a panic, only to meet a pair of burning red eyes within inches of his face, looking directly at him.

"I-m-m-m s-s-sorry, I-I-I was so cold I thought I was going to die... I shouldn't have... without asking... Forgive me..." he gasped and stuttered.

Taehyung scrambled to stand up and tried to run away, his feet snagging in the tail.

Without warning, the tail lifted, imprisoning Taehyung against the wall.

Taehyung panicked until a familiar, comforting scent embraced him, soft and warm as wool.

He looked at the Alpha whose eyes seemed much warmer than before and felt... something.... Taehyung couldn't quite name it but whatever it was, he could tell the Wolf wasn't hostile. Taehyung couldn't feel any bad intentions at all, if anything, he was getting the sense that the Alpha wanted to protect him.

Taehyung's gut had never been wrong before so trusting it, he smiled at the wolf while combing and patting the softness wrapped around him. He wanted to show that he understood and that he trusted the Alpha, even when he was unwilling to show his face to Taehyung.

"Thank you. I'm struggling without my wolf, humans are so stupidly fragile..." He spoke quietly, pushing a strand of black hair behind his ear, trying to avoid eye contact yet his gaze constantly drawing back to the fiery depths of the Alpha's eyes.

Suddenly all the fear Taehyung had been feeling over the course of the weeks melted away, replaced by almost serene calm. Taehyung wrapped the furry softness around him and felt the calmest and the safest he had ever felt before, with the Alpha's eyes constantly watching over him.

At this distance, looking into the fiery but gentle depths of the red gaze caused an avalanche of emotions in Taehyung and he had to turn his eyes away when it all became too much to bear. Instead, he concentrated on combing his fingers through the fur, straightening out sections of the Wolf's tail.

"You must have been here a long time... so lonely... this place is so miserable, they could at least try and decorate the place a little." He chuckled joylessly.

Taehyung felt quite happy to stay by the wolf and the wolf didn't seem to mind so he sat back down and left the thick fluffy tail over his legs. Without even realising he was doing it, he kept sliding his fingers over the fur, patting it gently, almost lovingly, while he carried on speaking in the manner that had become his habit.

"You know, I pissed the King off by not marrying him...if that wasn't bad enough, I accused him of not being worthy of being called a King... he didn't take it very well." This time the laugh was genuine, the whole situation so surreal that all Taehyung could do was laugh.

I'm not surprised the guy is a total ass, JungKook thought.

"Exactly. Just what I thought!" Taehyung giggled before he realised that... the wolf had thought it – and Taehyung had heard it!

In our darkest moments...(TAEKOOK 18+ A/B/O) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now