Part Twenty-Three: Dont Look Back

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   "We gotta move Minho! Go!" You yelled as the alarm blares off one more time. It was loud and you wanted to cover your ears but you didn't have time for that. With the grinding gears filling in for the alarm, you watched as the three doors began shutting. "GO!"
   "(Y/n) give me the device!" Minho said and you threw him the metal object, that had now turned back to red, as the two of you ran through the closing section.
   You and Minho made it to the bridge and didn't look back. You heard the BANG of the three doors shutting behind you. If you and Minho were to hesitate a second longer than you would have been trapped. There was no time to ponder on the what if's as there was more you two had to get through. Like the Blades.
   You and Minho exited the tunnel in the wall and watched as the Blades creaked and screeched. You watched wide-eyes as they began turning horizontally, closing you in. Minho pulled you by the arm and the two of you ran like your life depended on it, because it did. You couldn't get trapped, it was basically the definition of being killed.
   You and Minho ran forward as fast as you could, feet pounding and heart racing as the Blades attempted to cut the two of you off. You and Minho slid behind some of the Blades making them close calls.
   "Move (y/n)!" Minho shouted as you began falling behind. The last Blade that you passed had nudged you, almost making you fall over. You gained balance but not before the Blade in front of you closed, blocking you off from Minho.
   "Shuck shcuck shuck SHUCK! MINHO!" You screamed as you began bolting to your left to get through to the next Blades before they shut. You glanced over and saw Minho running side by side with you on the other side of the closing Blades.
   "(Y/N)! THE NEXT BLADE! SPEED UP!" Minho yelled to you and you sped up faster, if that was possible.
   The adrenaline pulsing through you veins gave you the courage to speed to the next Blade. It was beginning to shut, you only had one chance. You moved with the Blade as it turned and closed. It shoved you into Minho and the two of you fell over. Minho helped you up.
   "C'mon, let's go!" You yelled over the loud noises of metal moving against metal as you pulled Minho forward.
   The two of you ran as fast as humanly possible, not taking another second to look back and the Blades. You ran through the massive corridor that lead to the end of section seven. The maze was there and you never thought you'd be so happy to see it.
   "We're almost there!" Minho reassured but your relief quickly vanished when you felt the ground beneath you rumbling. It shook like an earthquake and took the two of you off balance. You both skidded to a halt as a line of dust spat out from the ground next to you. You looked at a thin slab of the wall in front of you that wasn't concrete but metal. It was different from the rest of the wall.
   "Oh no." You mumbled.
   "Oh no? What do you mean oh no!" Minho yelled but was cut off by concrete slabs lifting up from the ground, shooting dust up into your guys'a face.
   "Move Minho!" You shouted as the metal slab from the wall made a loud clicking sound and began falling. "MOVE!" You screamed, pushing the boy out of the way as the slab came down hard.
   You kept going forward, slabs of concrete, some bigger then others, shot up from the ground. You and Minho took a slight look back and saw the giant cloud of dust that was inching closer. That dust can kill you. Minho pulled you forward so that you would stop looking. You realised that it was slowing you down.
   "Don't look back!" He screamed and you nodded, knowing it would be a mistake if you didn't listen.
   More sections of the walls began to fall, each time getting closer to landing on you and the Runner. Minho skidded to a halt when he found a section that lead out and back into the Maze.
   "This way!" He shouted as he leapt through the closing section, you following right after him. The two of you army crawled through the section that continued to rise up, crushing you both. You began feeling claustrophobic as you felt your shoulder blades brushing against the roof of the wall. Minho slid out first, rising to his feet quickly to pull you out too.
You felt his muscular hands wrap around your arms and pull you out. You added more force as you kicked off the closing wall with your feet. When Minho managed to pull you out, you both fell to the floor, heaving a heavy sigh. You watched as the wall had completely stopped, the noises muffled but still present. You met eyes with Minho and the boy smiled, happy to be alive, as he melted to the ground in his own sweat.
"You don't sweat huh?"

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