Chapter 36 - When Healing Is Too Much

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I used to believe healing followed a fixed timetable, that time itself would mend all wounds, leading to a neatly defined before-and-after picture of a healed self. But healing doesn't walk a straight line; it doesn't adhere to a schedule, often lacking a clear endpoint. Instead, it happens in small steps, day by day. Some days or months might feel stagnant, while others propel you forward.

During the toughest phases of healing, it feels like swimming against an unyielding current. You seek answers that seem elusive, feeling adrift and uncertain, worrying about regression. But those moments don't signify a backward slide.

Healing isn't binary; it's a roller coaster, with ups and downs. Progress arises from those low points, requiring perseverance, especially when it's difficult. Healing is raw, sometimes heartbreaking, and filled with pain, but it also grants moments of profound lightness and relief.

In these brighter moments, you'll sense freedom, hope, and the warmth of love around you. These instances are crucial; they guide your way forward.

Healing unfolds at its own pace, often in the silent hours of the night or amidst moments of intense emotion—when a poignant poem moves you to tears, or a melancholic song triggers an ache in your chest. It happens in the solitude of a walk, the weight of what's missing almost suffocating you.

It happens in the small joys too—genuine laughter while watching a TV show, sharing brunch with a friend, or moments of unguarded contentment.

Healing progresses gradually, continuously, sometimes slow but always persistent. It demands gentleness and faith in your ability to recover, to find happiness again. Embrace patience and trust your resilience.

Healing isn't a straightforward journey; it's arduous, painful, yet each moment marks progress. Your strength will outlast the pain. Your courage will endure. And while scars may remain, they'll serve as a testament to your resilience, a tribute to your graceful survival.

So, hold on—pain eventually ebbs. Healing unfurls, given time, patience, and an open eye for the beauty that persists around you.


JUNE 2021

Eager to expand her horizons, she seeks new knowledge.

Her days are spent immersed in books, passionately penning her thoughts.

Writing is her voice, her solace, her strength.

She's resilient, a warrior in her own right.

Watch as she returns, ready to claim her victory.

Triumphs await her, success is within reach.

She possesses the determination to conquer.

She eagerly anticipates the day when she can proudly declare,

"I made it."

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