[1] Night

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The busy streets echoed with a symphony of sounds from the police cars to the loud honking, it all was just the sounds of the city. You stepped down the street, hands buried deep within your pockets whole you hurried to the restaurant. It was date night. You usually just meet up with someone random, it didn't scare you.

Nothing really did. You tried to see life in at all angles, you only would live once. Might as well make it count. You  tried to meet everyone even if you could cramp up a bit. Meeting a new person would always start off with a slight sense on anxiety, but in the end, it's worth it. You get to see so much, feel so much. Why would you miss out on the gifts of life? Both forgiving and taking.

You shuttered at bit as a cold breeze flew by it was chilly, but nice. A cold night that could easily be something greater. All nights could be good if your with the right person. It made you wonder, The girl you are meeting up with tonight. Will she make this night special? Or will you continue searching. maybe your overthinking thought it?

The sounds of camera clicking, low chatter and the steps of curious passerbys made you ill. It was best not to get involved. You scrambled across the street, ducking your head down low as you had to pass a crime scene. You took a few glances and shivered at the sight of a body bag. This was a frequent occurrence where you lived but you still always felt chilled to the bone.

You took one last look at the crime scene and your eyes met with dark blue ones. A male, he looked a bit, too well dressed. A slight bit of red makeup was painted on his corners eyes, the sharp gaze, he looked intimidating for someone so short. You both stared at each other for a solid few seconds. You couldn't help, but just stare. Until you realized how odd it must've looked because he raised a brow at you.

You felt your face heat up as you
quickly looked away, feeling embarrassed. You scittered across a different street, hurrying to get to Angel's share. It used to be a bar. Now, it was just some restaurant with a bar included. Not that you were complaining, You just we're a bit nervous. You were on the verge of being late to meet the gal so you quickened you pass until you made it inside. You shuffled off you coat and held it loosely in your free arm, your eyes scanning around the place.


The loud heavy yet bright voice shouted making you flinch, you saw her. She stood up and motioned you to come over, you waved and slowly stepped over. Within those few moments it hit you, She was tall. She was much taller then you. Much. Much. Taller.

The woman was loud and bursting with energy not to mention her features we're incredible. Those bright red eyes that were intimidating, but enchanting. The long thick dark brown hair that was down to her waist. The girl had a slight fringe of bangs that loosely dropped over her face, slightly covering an eye patch. The look was topped off with a hairpin holding some hair up at the top.

"Hey! [Name], right?" Her voice. Oh, her voice. It was strong. Strong, yet secure. A voice for command and control. A voice that'd instate reassurance no matter what.
You haven't ever heard, or seen a woman with such a strong demeanor. It's not that you didn't like it.
She was attractive. She just
took you by surprise.

"Yeah! And you are.. Beidou?"

"Spot on sailor!" She grinned, sitting down like an invite. The action made you follow her lead. You sat on the cheap leathered seat of the restaurant, fiddling with the coat in your lap while you studied her face. She was hard not to take in, there's much to admire. So much to bask in.

Your eyes trailed to the table, noticing the few empty drinks. You didn't blame her. You couldn't blame her. You'd do the same thing if you we're alone for a while, but fortunately you didn't drink. You parted your lips, deciding to break the silence that slowly grew between you two.

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