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Later that day, Regina and Marco were both serving behind the bar. Emma was upstairs having a shower, thinking intensely about her plan. Regina was meant to be still training him but he was excelling so much that he didn't need her. Rita then came out from the back, holding the door open with her foot.

"Gina, the delivery guy is here but he's messed up the order and wants to talk to you" Rita said with a sigh, knowing she's not going to be happy.

"He messed up again? I'm going to kill the little shit" Regina huffed, not in the mood for it today. "Sweetie, you ok to handle this"

"Of course, go help Rita" Marco replied with a chuckle, turning back to finish serving a customer.

Regina smiled a little at the boy, feeling so proud of him. She then followed her sister out to the stock room, an angry face held strong. The delivery guy smirked as he saw her coming, stepping more into the stock room. 

"Hey, good looking" Bobby said with a smirk, his eyes running up and down her body.

"Did you mess up again just to see me" Regina asked with a stern look upon her face.

"I have never done that" Bobby replied, chuckling as he knew he was lying.

"What did he get wrong this time" Regina asked her sister, snatching the order form from the delivery man.

"I ticked everything that's here" Rita replied, gesturing to the marks on the sheet.

"This isn't even half of my order, where is the rest" Regina asked angrily, looking up at the childish man.

"I only have one brilliant package with your name on it" Bobby said with a smirk, shaking his hips to show what he meant.

"Oh, that's just disgusting" Rita said with a turned up nose, shaking her head at the gross man.

"You are literally a year older than my son, do you realise how weird that is" Regina asked with confusion, looking in disgust at the guy.

"I like older women" Bobby shrugged with a smirk, chomping down on his gum.

"Well, spill your mummy issues all over someone else. I am far from interested" Regina sighed, looking in exhaustion at the guy. "Now, I need-"

"Ma, some guy is looking for you and he seems a little sketchy" Marco quickly said, looking a little nervous at his previous conversation.

"For god sake" Regina mumbled to herself, not in the mood for all of it.

"Hey, I know you. Margot, right? We went to school for a little before you moved away" Bobby said with a slight chuckle, confused at home he was dressed.

"It's Marco now"

"How? That's a guy's name"

"Yeah, I'm a guy. Mum, this man out here isn't patient" Marco quickly said, trying to ignore the delivery man he remembered too well.

"What do you mean you're a guy now? That's not possible" Bobby said with a laugh, looking the boy up and down in the doorway.

"To be honest, it's none of your business. I'm a boy and my name is Marco, get over it" Marco said with an annoyed tone, too busy to deal with him.

"You meant to be some kind of tranny now" Bobby said with a laugh, his tone obvious that he was being cruel.

Without a thought, Regina turned around and punched Bobby in the face. The man stumbled away and into the door, his jaw already bruising. Emma had gotten to the door way just in time to see the punch, standing with confusion at it.

"How dare you talk to my son like that? What the fuck is wrong with you and your idiotic brain?" Regina angrily snapped, burning holes into the man's eyes. She turned round to see the smiles on the three people's faces, smiling a little more to see Emma. "Why am I not shocked you managed to get here just in time for the show"

"Do I want to know" Emma asked with a chuckle, watching the delivery man scurrying away to his van.

"You don't need to know" Regina replied with a tired laugh, knowing she handled this situation well. "Right, I need to get this delivery sorted out. Rita, could you deal with the guy out there"

"I'll try" Rita awkwardly said, worried she is going to mess it up as usual. She walked out the front to see a guy waiting impatiently. He was an older guy, looking familiar to her but she couldn't figure out why. As she approached, the man looked up quickly. Instantly, his mouth dropped at the sight, looking half upset, half shocked. "Umm... Hi, can I help you"

"Are you one of the sisters that own this bar" the man asked, trying to mask his emotions.

"We only have one manager and that's my sister, Regina. There use to be two but our other sister passed away three years ago" Rita informed softly, feeling the twinge of sadness inside her.

"Reina's dead?" The man asked, his face falling into shock at the words. He then realised his reaction, once again masking himself. "I'm so sorry for your loss"

"Thank you but how do you know her name? Did you use to come here" Rita asked curiously, knowing most people already know this by now.

"No... I'm Fredrick Dawson, your father"

At these words, Rita's whole body froze. The horror across her face was unmissable. Fredrick looked awkwardly with a smile, knowing this isn't easy news to handle. Rita finally knew why he looked so familiar, Ryan and Ryder were identical to him. She shook her head as she looked towards the back door, checking Regina wasn't in ear shot.

"You can't be here, not now. If Regina sees you, she'll actually try to kill you" Rita quickly said, heading around the bar to usher him out.

"I'm sorry I left you all but I want to explain" Fred said, stopping his daughter from moving him.

"No, you don't get to explain. You walked out on us when we were babies, you didn't even last long enough to make it to my first words and you want to explain. I don't think you realise what you put our family through" Rita angrily said, pushing the man's hands off her shoulders.

"I left you with all my money, I made sure you were financially ok" Fred quickly said, his face showing he just wants to help.

"My mother died when I was 11 years old and I had the worst big brother to raise me. I didn't need your fucking money, I needed a parent; Regina even more so. Because you left, Ryan was able to kick her out of the family when she was 14. If she sees you, I won't stop her from killing you" Rita quickly said, allowing her pain to be on full display.

Fred just looked at her with sympathy, remembering when he heard about their mother. He was meant to come home and look after them but he wasn't brave enough to face them after what he done. He looked down as he stepped away, knowing he isn't welcome.

"I'm sorry, it must be so hard for you to have lost your mother and your sister"

"I lost them all at one point... And that's your fault"

"I know, I'm sorry. I don't deserve a chance to explain but if you have your mother's kind heart, please let me" Fred softly begged, showing he truly wished for this.

"Maybe but not now, Regina can't know you are here. She has so much on her plate and she can't handle you right now" Rita sighed in exhaustion, knowing she can't do that to her sister. Fred smiled in relief at the opportunity, so thankful she gave him this chance. "You have to go though... Regina is-"

"I'm what" Regina asked, stepping beside her sister to show her presence; She then noticed Fred. "Hey, are you the guy looking for me"

Fred went to speak, allowing his eyes to glance at Rita quickly. He saw the desperation in her eyes; she couldn't let Regina know. Fred gave a sad smile as he looked at the elder Mills sister, seeing her waiting.

"I was just wanting to give my condolences for Reina's death, I only just found out" Fred said with a look of sympathy, his feelings true towards this.

"Oh, well, thank you. I'm really sorry but I'm very busy and I have to get things sorted around here"

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