CHAPTER 3.1 | Takanashi Kiara

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"Chief, this woman's temperature returned back to normal after 5 minutes of being in here."

"That's impossible, no human could generate that much body heat."

Noises could be heard from my surroundings causing me to wake up.

"Ughh...", I moaned after waking up feeling the pain in my head.

"Chief she's awake, look!", the man on the left said.

The man pointed at me by the time he heard my noise as I woke up, and the other man on the right got closer to me and knelt down.

"Are you feeling okay miss?", the man asked.

"I-... I'm feeling okay..", I answered.

"Are you sure? You're not feeling cold or hurt?"

"Yeah.. I don't feel any pain and I don't feel cold.."

"That's interesting..", the man on the left said.

"Excuse me but, where am I?", I asked.

"You're at our shelter which is close to where we found you.", the man on the right answered.

"I.. I now remember, I fell from a tall cliff and ended up on that big snow pile.."

"You're lucky you didn't get any injuries or wounds from that fall. Or worse, you could've died..", the man on the left said.

"Yeah.. I guess..",  I said.

I looked at my surroundings to see the 'Shelter', it's made out of wood but the wood seemed so clean to call it a Natural Wood.
The 2 men were looking at me as I was scanning my surroundings, after some time they asked my name..

"What's your name, miss?", the man on the right asked.

"My name is.. K-...", I stopped as soon as I remembered that paper.

Was that really my real name? What if it's just a joke from someone I don't know? I mean, it's not like I remember anyone now but.. Still...
Fine, I'll use it. Since I have no other choice.

"Miss? Is there something wrong?", the man on the right asked.

"N-No.. Um... My name is.. Takanashi Kiara..", I answered his question.

"Takanashi? Is that another language?", the man on the left asked.

"Possibly, I don't even know myself..", I answered.

"May I know your names?", I asked the two men for their names.

I don't think I'll be comfortable talking to these men without knowing their names and who they really are. But for now, I'll ask for the names.

"Oh yeah, our apologies.", the man on the right said as he stood up and got himself ready for his introduction.

"My name is Steven." the man on the right said.

"And my name is Mike, nice to meet you Kiara.", the man on the left said.

"Steven.. Mike.. Nice to meet you two, and I'm really grateful that you saved my life.", I thanked them as I bowed my head downwards.

"Nono, there's no need. We just did what we had to do.", Steven said.

"Steven's right, although I'm more curious about your body temperature. Are you sure you're okay?", Mike asked.

"I-I'm fine really, there's nothing to worry about..", I said.

"I see.. Well if there's anything you need or if you're feeling off, just consult to me okay?", Mike said.

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