CHAPTER 4 - The Sun Village | Takanashi Kiara

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I'm sorry Kiara, but just this once.
I'll break one of your promises, and that promise is..
Not Killing Them.

"STOP!!", I shouted as I woke up from a nightmare.

"K-Kiara?! Are you okay?!", Claire asked who's beside me.

I looked at her first then looked around my surroundings to analyze where I am. And I remembered that I am in a carriage with Claire and the others.

"Y-Yeah.. I'm.. Fine..", I replied.

"Are you sure Kiara?", Mike asked who's at the right side of the Carriage.

"Y-Yes, it was just a.. Nightmare.", I replied.

I tried to remember that nightmare but the more I tried to remember it, the more it fades away like it's nothing.

"I don't know if you're okay..", Mike said.

"I'll check your vitals once we get to the Village and to my Laboratory.", he continued.

"N-No really, I'm fine.. There's no need to check on me..", I insisted that I'm okay.

"I insist."

Mike really is persistent..
No matter how many times I reject his offers towards me, he still insists on helping me..
Maybe he's just that kind towards other people like myself.

"Hey! What's happening back there??"

Asked the man who had a familiar voice, and that man is Steven. Who's currently riding the horse while carrying the carriage towards the Village.

"E-Everything's fine Steven!", I shouted back.

"Are you sure??!", he shouted back.

"Yes! Everything's okay here darling!", Claire shouted as well.

Steven then didn't reply anymore, meaning that he now knows that everything is okay and is focusing on the road.

I took a peak from the Carriage's cloth and saw snow on the ground, but it's not snowing anymore. And it's also a bit cold, thankfully Steven gave me a jacket before we left the Shelter.

Suddenly, Steven stopped the horse then entered the Carriage from the front by opening the cloth. Then he asked Mike to continue driving because he had something to discuss with me.
Mike agreed and took control of the horse and continued to hit the road.

"Kiara, do you still remember everything that we discussed before we left the Shelter?", Steven asked.

Now that I think about it, I almost forgot about our discussion earlier because of thinking too much about that nightmare.
But after seconds of trying to remember it, I finally remembered everything that we discussed.

"Yes, I still remember them Steven."

"Good, just make sure to be ready. Because.. We're almost at the Sun Village."

After he said that Kitty immediately opened the front cloth of the carriage to see the Village.

"Dad's right! We're here!", Kitty shouted in joy.

I've never heard Kitty shouting like that, maybe she's just glad that she's finally back home and can't wait to meet her friends again.

Steven asked me once more to be always cautious. I nodded after what he asked.
After our talk, he then got to where Kitty is and they talked together.

Apparently, by the time I woke up early in the morning from the shelter. They were already awake, packing up and ready to leave.
Steven also asked me if I'm really sure that I'll be okay as a Guest of their Village. I told him that I got it-ish.
Since he didn't understand what "-ish" meant, he continued to tell me the details of his plan.
He told me that I'll be from a rich family that's making Wine, and Steven will pretend that he already tasted the Wine and will agree of me as the Guest.
I asked if that's all, he then nodded. Then we went ahead and hit the road, which leads us to the event now.

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