CHAPTER 4.6 | Takanashi Kiara

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"I'm tireeeddd...", I said as I leaned on the table.

After hours of answering most of the Villagers questions, I finally got the time to rest and relax..

"Good work out there Kiara!", Steven said.

"Thank you, I think that was the most tiresome experience I've ever had. Well, it's not like there have been any though."

"Yeah, even if you did do these kind of stuff before, you would've felt the same thing that you're feeling now."

"Probably.. And also, what are you doing?", I asked since he's been peeking from the window every split second.

"Well I'm the chief, so I'd like to check things outside while also checking your condition."

"Ehh.. Being a chief must be tough."

"Not really, I enjoy what I'm always doing. Checking the Villagers and stuff."

I guess he meant that if he doesn't enjoy what he does then he's always tired, like my situation now actually.
But since he's always energetic and alert, that means he enjoys being the chief of the Village.

"Can I ask you something personal Steven?", I requested.

"Personal? Like, on what level?"

"It's not that deep of a personal question, I just wanna know how you became the chief of this Village."

"Ahh.. I see, a little story time doesn't really hurt."

I bet this is going to be a long story telling..

"Do you know about Mike's situation now?", Steven asked out of nowhere.

"He's.. An assistant of yours..? And also, why that question?"

"Well, yeah he's my assistant, and also my best friend. But, he's also one of the reasons why I became who I am now."

"By reasons.. You mean..?"

"Mike was always bullied since we were kids, you do know that he works on the background right? Like the system or other complicated stuff that I don't understand?"

"Eh? I didn't know that."

"Eh? I thought you already know, since he's the one who mostly prepared for your introductory event. I only handled the paperwork."

Ehh.. He really did.. do something that far for me..

"Now that you mention it, I did remember that guy from earlier. He called Mike something right?"

"Yeah, Sid was always the one who bullies him ever since we were all kids."

"Eh? He's that mean??"

"I can't really judge Sid, because even though he's a bully, he also lived a very tough life. I guess that tough life is what made Sid the Sid now."

I don't really know what Sid's life is, but I don't really think that throwing your grudges towards other people is right.

"But what Sid did earlier was still wrong right?"

"I guess so, but Mike already got past those stuff. He still gets bullied but he said that it doesn't affect him anymore."

"Perhaps he became strong?"

"Yeah, he did get strong. And also, if he wasn't into those kinds of stuff like technologies or whatever. I would've gotten a problem of understanding those by now."

"True, I guess everything does have a reason."

"And that's the reason why I wanted to become the Chief since I was still a kid. I want to help others, and understand their situation."

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