'the devil's child'-F

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personal information

Name: Nora Morningstar

Nickname: none

Age: 18-30

Birthday: July 23, 1005

Birthplace: Hell

Pronouns: she/her

Gender: women

Species: demon

sexual orientation: Demisexual

Skills: public speaking, work ethic, sword play

personal interests: ruling over hell after her father

supernatural abilities: teleportation, animal morphing, mind control

positive values: devotion, loyalty, patience 

negative values: unforgiving, pessimism, meannes 

Flaws: prideful 

Phobias: cynophobia

Addictions: smoking

Habits: smoking. Nail biting

Social Information 

social class: royalty

primary language: english

secondary language: old french, old english, latin

Occupation: unemployed

indoor hobbies: video game developing, puzzles, book restoration

outdoor hobbies: walking, flower growing, shopping


Birthmarks: a star behind her ear

Scars: none

Tattoos: none

Height: 5’11

physical build: slender, athletic

eye color: blue grey

hair color: black

skin tone: pale

Accessories: bow

Piercings: normal ear piercings


fighting style: karate, persistent

preferred weapon: curses

Disabilities: panic attacks

psychological disorders: generalized anxiety disorder

Family and Friends 

Father: Lucifer Morningstar (alive)

Mother: unknown (dead)

Siblings: 8

Sisters: 1

Brothers: 7

friend type: loyal, brutally honest. Dependable



To strangers Nora is very cold, often giving them short responses to them. If it's her people she has little interaction with them at times, due to staying at the castle most of the time, but when she does interact with them she is known to be more soft with them, seeing what she can do for them. However if they disrespect her she’ll become very cold to them as well, just like a stranger showing up in her castle without an invitation. Parties and such that her father holds she is more social to them knowing she’ll need support from the other nobles, though due to her brothers she is often placed in the background while they get all the glory. She has more of a temper as well which she shows to strangers more than her friends and family.

Friends/Close Friends:

With her friends she is much more talkative and shows a much softer side to them. She shows a lot more compassion towards them and tries to help them in tough situations however she isn’t scared to be honest with them. If they do something to upset her she will tell them. Or if they're being stupid and so on. As much as she loves them she will tell them the truth even if it hurts their feelings. When around her friends she tries not to show as much anger around them as with strangers, though sometimes she will snap at them when they get on her nerves too much but it's very rare to happen.


With her partner she is a lot more kind, showing a much more vulnerable side to them as well as a loving side that even her father doesn't see often. She cares for them deeply and will often try not to be too harsh about the truth when she needs to tell them something. 



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