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Personal information
Full Name: Atlantic Inn
Nickname: none
Age: 21-37
Birthday: march 13
Birthplace: florida
Pronouns: she/her
Gender: female
Species: human
Sexual orientation: heterosexual
Skills: communication, medicine, time management
Person interests: taking care of her pets and the animals at her work
Supernatural abilities: none
Positive values: optimism, devotion, loving
Negative values: selfishness, pettiness, abrasiveness
Flaws: prideful
Phobias: claustrophobia
Addictions: lying
Habits: nail biting

Social information
Social class: working class
Primary language: english
Secondary language: spanish
Occupation, Veterinarian
Indoor hobbies: baking, cleaning, wood carving
Outdoor hobbies: walking, shopping, bird watching

Birthmarks: none
Scars: a few on her hands and arms
Tattoos: a sparrow on the back of her left shoulder
Height: 5’6
Physical build: average
Eye color: blue
Hair color: pink
Skin tone: fair
Accessories: keychain
Piercings: normal ear piercings and an industrial piercing

Fight style: stubborn
Preferred weapons: switchblade, knife

Disabilities: dyslexia, panic attacks
Psychological disorders: depression
Family and friends
Father: Leo Inn
Mother: Maria Inn
Siblings: none
Friend type: loyal, brutally honest, organizer

To strangers Atlantic knows how to put up a front, showing a smile to them despite some people annoying her and making her want to snap, she is two faced to them. Showing one side in front of the strangers and when they have their back turned she immediately talks about them from behind their back being horrible and mean to them, of course this mostly goes for people who annoy her to no end like a few of her highschool bullies. Despite not being able to do much in highschool she has now ruined a lot of their lives, cutting them off from people and friends and making sure they never have peace in their lives.

With friends she’s a lot nicer, being honest with them, however if she isn’t very close to them then is still the same two faced person that she is to strangers. But if she is close to them she is loyal to them and her loyalty knows no end. She will go out of her way to ruin someone's life if she finds out that they were mean to her friends and will even go as far as to kill them or hide a body for her friend if its a must, they earned her trust so she will do what she need for them unless it is self destructive in a way that she has to stop them.

With her lover she is kind and caring, willing to do anything for them. However, due to her past she has a hard time expressing her love for them and instead does so through gifts and acts of service. She’ll say she loves them but hugging and physical touch is not her thing. She often led to many break ups with her, but she always gets back at them by ruining their reputation and hurting them as they had hurt her.

Atlantic had a very good childhood growing up, her parents were loving and kind and spoiled her due to her being their only child. She had many friends through elementary school though the numbers went down slowly as she hit middle school but she was still happy until she got to high school. That's when it went downhill for her, she lost a lot of her friends and got bullied a lot by her classmates and even higher classmen. This caused her to go through a lot of changes, having mental health problems. It got so bad that a harmless prank led to her having to go to the hospital due to a conclusion and from glass shards cutting her. The kids did get in trouble but only with ISS and came back to class after three days. Managing to get through highschool with little injuries she went into college and became a vet liking animals and realized she could spend more time with animals and help them then be with humans who she despised.



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