'Violinist' ~M

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Personal information
Name: Akatsuki A. Osan
Age: 18-24
Birthday: september 15, 1998
Birthplace: Japan
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender: Male
Species: human
Sexual orientation: bisexual, closeted
Skills: organization, and finger work
Personal interests: playing other instruments

Social information
Social class: upper class
Primary language: Japanese
Secondary language: english
Place of residence: small apartment in New York
Occupation: violinist

Birthmarks: a large one on his neck
Scars: large on his shoulder going to his hips, small ones on his arms, fingers and legs.
Tattoos: he has one on his ankle
Height: 5’8
Physical build: slim, not on the healthy side.
Eye color: blue
Hair color: black
Skin tone: fair skin
Hair length: almost touches his shoulders but he usually has it in a ponytail.
Accessories: bracelets, keychain, necklaces, rings

Disabilities: depression, panic attacks, emotionally overwhelmed at times, PTSD, stress, physical weakness, dizziness/balance problems
Psychological disorders: OCD, depression

Family and friends:
Father: Derek Osan {alive}
Mother: Hara {alive}
Grandmother: Miranda {alive}
Grandfather: Micheal {dead}
Siblings: eleven siblings
Sisters: 7
Brothers: 4

Strangers: Akatsuki can seem cold and uncaring to strangers, which he is, he doesn’t like people in general so to have people try to make conversation with him it's weird and doesn’t appreciate it so he tries to keep to himself. He could care less if a stranger wants him to do something, if its important than he’ll fullfill the request to the best of his ability but if its stupid than he’ll ignore them or just walk away without a word.

Friends: When he’s around his friends Akatsuki is a lot more relaxed, smiling sometimes but still finds it hard to show emotions to them, he tries his best, but he’s loyal to them and caring and is seen as the mother of the group, though they don’t often go to him with emotional stuff they’ll go to him for advice on a certain topic. He can be seen usually on the right side of his friends when walking around, staying there unless he is needed, he usually carries around whatever he needs, bandages and such which only adds on to the idea that he’s like a mother.

Lover: When he has a lover in his life he becomes more caring and tries to open up more, by talking or showing more emotions despite how difficult it is for him. He doesn’t like letting them see the broken side of him as he doesn’t want them to leave and hates it when they see him when he’s having an episode and that is when he will shit down and become more distant.



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Other: He has three pet snakes Boop Noodle: California King Snake

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He has three pet snakes
Boop Noodle: California King Snake

Other: He has three pet snakes Boop Noodle: California King Snake

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Drew: pied Pumkin python

Drew: pied Pumkin python

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Cora: Corn Snake

Akatsuki is the middle child and was often ignored by his parents or belittled by them for his poor academic skills, however he showed obvious skill when playing instruments to his parents disappointment until they realized that it could get them ...

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Akatsuki is the middle child and was often ignored by his parents or belittled by them for his poor academic skills, however he showed obvious skill when playing instruments to his parents disappointment until they realized that it could get them what they wanted, immediately signing him up for classes he would learn how to play multiple instruments however it would be the violin that would catch his eye. He would play for hours due to his parents and if he did anything wrong they would punish either by starving him or locking him up in the closet that he dreaded since he was young. He would become more famous and known when he caught the attention of a female who knew he had a lot of talent and would give him the chance to make a name for himself in America, there he would grow more and more however he cut off all contact with his parents and siblings except for his Grandparents who went to America with him and supported him through the whole thing, though his grandfather would later die when he was 20 which was devastating to him and he would stop playing for a year but he would later start again when one his friends encouraged him to continue
as that was what his grandfather would want.

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