'the demons mate'-F

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personal information

Name: Halo Morningstar

Nickname: none

Age: 290-500

Birthday: December 23, 1733

Birthplace: Jupiter, city of Veleris

Pronouns: she/her they/them

Gender: women

Species: alien

sexual orientation: Demisexual, biromantic

Skills: problem solving, organization, medicine

personal interests: taking care of her mate, learning about Earth

supernatural abilities: teleportation, electricity manipulation

positive values: generosity, loving, peacefulness

negative values: gets jealous easily, impatience

Flaws: gullible, jealous

Phobias: acrophobia

Addictions: shopping

Habits: organization, daydreaming

Social Information

social class: upper-middle

primary language: unknown

secondary language: english

Occupation: unemployed

indoor hobbies: acrobatics, astrology, reading

outdoor hobbies: beekeeping, butterfly watching, walking


Birthmarks: freckles

Scars: a scratch mark on her neck from her frist encounter with Scarlet

Tattoos: Neptune for Scarlet

Height: 5'1-5'3

physical build: slender

eye color: purple

hair color: white

skin tone: really light sky blue

Accessories: Bracelet, necklace

Piercings: none


fighting style: doesn't fight unless its for defense

preferred weapon: Magic

Disabilities: speech problems, dizziness/balance problems

psychological disorders: ADHD

Family and Friends

Father: unknown (???)

Mother: unknown (???)

Grandfather: unknown (???)

Grandmother: unknown (???)

Siblings: unknown


Brothers: ???

friend type: shy, forgetful, loyal



To strangers Halo doesn't talk much coming off as shy and will often start shaking from her fear of being around other people, which is why she is always around Scarlet who talks for her, she doesn't go out anyways, but when guests come to the house or Scarlet's brothers she'll stay with her mate and try to be as calm as possible but will always end up shaking and become a stuttering mess as well as pass out from the stress of the situation.

Friends/Close Friends:

With friends she still doesn't talk much but she does become more affectionate touch wise, patting their heads or holding their arm to stay close to them. Close friends she has a motherly touch, letting them speak and not judging them over it, often hugging them and just taking care of them in general as she loves them very much, especially the children Scarlet brought in, she loves them dearly.


With her mate Halo can talk a lot more, still stuttering and often going back to her old langue which is a very weird language but she's been trying to learn english. Hanging off of her mate she is often seen in her lap and trying to latch onto her in any sort of way, whimpering even and making small noises for attention. She doesn't like it when her mate talks about other women however as she becomes very jealous and pouts. She especially hates it when her mate has to become touchy with clients and such.


Halo comes from Jupiter, not knowing her mother and father are due to them leaving her when she was born, she was raised in the city of Valris in an adoption center however when she turned 218 she had to leave her home. Deciding to go to Earth she left Jupiter though she ended up crashing landing near Scarlet's home which was how they first met each other, Halo stumbling out of her space pod was surprised when an angered Scarlet slams her against a tree though when she realizes what Halo was she took her in, and despite not trusting Scarlet she needed somewhere to stay and recover and she was damaged greatly from her encounter and from the crash, it left her with a head injury where she has trouble with balance now but it took awhile before Halo trusted Scarlet and started to fall in love with her. They date and for that time Scarlet introduces Halo to her line of work and her group which she immediately grew attached to the kids and stayed in the house to take care of them while Scarlet was gone for that time.



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