'seer' ~M

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personal information
Name: Zodiac {no last name}
Nicknames: Snowflake, Z
Age: 18-23
Birthday: September 30 2004-1999
Birth place: enchanted forest
Pronouns: he/him them/they
Gender: male
Species: dragon
sexual orientation: Bisexual Polysexual
Skills: art, medicine and communication
Personal interests: drawing, reading, staying out in the sun
supernatural abilities: Ice manipulation, water manipulation, size manipulation, camouflage, future seeing
positive values: loyalty, sincerity, determination
negative values: pettiness, pessimism, impatience
Flaws: paranoid
Phobias: Aichmophobia, Thanatophobia
Addictions: none
Habits: meditation, studying, daydreaming, nail biting

Social information
Social class: low class
Primary language: Dragonic
Secondary language: English
place of residence: enchanted forest
Occupation: unemployed
Indoor Hobbies: drawing, baking, astrology
Outdoor Hobbies: walking, running, sun bathing

Birthmarks: one on his back that looks like wings
Scars: a few on his feet and hands
Tattoos: none
Height: 5’5
Physical Build: leaning and muscular
Eye Color: yellow and orange
Skin tone: pale
Accessories: none

fighting style: doesn’t like to fight
preferred weapon: magic

Disabilities: stress, separation anxiety,
Psychological disorders: separation anxiety
Allergies: pollen
Father: Mason (dead)
Mother: Abigail (dead)
Grandmother: ??? {dead}
Grandfather: ??? {dead}
Siblings: none
Friend type: Loyal, Fearless adventurer, mischievous, talkative

To strangers Zodiac is a very talkative person often taking up most of the talking and is very open to the person though that’s mostly because he usually lives by himself so he’s very lonely and loves being around people when he gets the chance though he will immediately shut down when someone seems to be become manipulative, he isn’t that dumb to relaise when someone is gas lighting him.

Friends: Zodiac will become attached to his friends, especially with living by himself in an area that only he knows about so far, so he’ll try his best to keep his friends close to him, he’s a lot more calm when around his friends and isn’t as talkative when it comes to them feeling like doesn’t need to be loud in order to keep them around but he still talks quite a bit.

Partners: to his partners Zodiac is a lot more attached, practically hanging off of his partners and trying to be as close as he can to them. He has separation anxiety and would prefer if they stayed with him but does realize that his partners have a life as well and will let them go however it won’t stop him from worrying and wishing that they were by his side.



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Pets Tip: Skavader

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Ruby: giant snake

Ruby: giant snake

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