'the assassin'-F

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personal information

Name:Ray Houston

nicknames: Ray Ray


birthday: Feb 17, 2005

birthplace: New York

pronouns: she/her

gender: women

species: shape shifter

sexual orientation: straight

skills: work ethic, time management, sword play.

personal interests: taking care of her sister and daughter, getting enough money that she can do whatever she wants without worry.

supernatural abilities: shapeshifting, improved strength, improved agility, improved durability

positive values: self-control, determination, tolerance

negative values: disloyalty, impatience, dis-respectfulness

flaws: vengeful, paranoid

phobias: claustrophobia

Addiction: sex, lying

habits: nail biting

social information

social class:middle class

primary language: English

secondary language: french

occupation: assassin

indoor hobbies: acrobatics, baking, knife making

outdoor hobbies: camping, archery, walking


birthmarks: none

scars: many on her hands, arms back and one on her face and lip.

tattoos: a sunflower and a forget me not

height: 5'2-5'7

physical build: athletic, slim

eye color: dark red almost brown

skin tone: tan

hair color: brown fades to red


piercings: two piercings on each ear, nose piercings and snake bites.


fighting style: boxing, brutal

preferred weapon: knife, throwing knives

disabilities:panic attacks, PTSD, stress

psychological disorders: depression

family and friends

father:Noah Houston (dead)

mother: Elizabeth Houston (dead)

grandmother: (dead)

grandfather: (dead)

siblings: 1



friend type:flirting, troublemaker, grumpy



Around strangers Ray is very quiet and is very rude to them, not liking to be around new people unless it's for a one night stand but other than that she is usually just glares and tries to get away from or will just walk away from them if they are too annoying for her.

friends/close friends:

around friends Ray loosens up a bit more, showing more of a soft side to them, however if they aren't part of her group then she won't change much and will sometimes treat them like a stranger. Around her close friends she is a lot more talkative, and can even be a bit of a flirt around them teasing them and making them blush, her group which she sees like family knows about her past and what it was like for her growing up so when she becomes more grumpy they don't fully blame her and will just try their best to make her feel better.


Since Ray is someone who people don't get along with very well it's rare for her to find a partner, but when she does she showers them affection and gifts, willing to get them whatever they want. Though she has some loyalty problems she tries so hard to stay with the person she is dating, even just locking herself up in her room to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid and hurt the person she loves. However when it comes to her daughter she takes her feelings into consideration as well, if her daughter doesn't like the person she's with she will immediately leave the person.


Ray was born into a wealthy family, she is the eldest of her sisters who are twins, though they were treated very differently from each other, their parents favored her sister greatly due to her looking more like their parents then she did. And once in school they favored her more due to her getting good grades and getting good marks by the teacher, her sister was better at everything then her it seemed, and it wasn't until she was in middle school that she found a way to escape from her family and her emotions in a way, sleeping around she continued on with her type of lifestyle until she was a junior in high school and ended up getting pregnant. It got her to clean her act up quickly so that way her daughter would have a better life, however when her parents found out about this they immediately shamed her and kicked her out of the house leaving her to fend for herself. By the time she was 19 she managed to get a job, it wasn't ideal due to it being where she had to kill people but it made good money especially for her baby, and her group helped her raise her daughter, treating her like their niece, though her sister soon came running to her after their parents died needing help as she had been babied for such a long time she didn't know what to so she came back to her which Ray did help her but she is a lot more cold to her ever since she showed up, and is having her pay her rent and such instead of her letting her live rent free.



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