'ghost' ~M

70 2 14


Died when he was sixteen and is now 21




He's able to float through walls and such and has super strength, he's able to make himself invisible, he's able to regenerate limbs if they ever get ripped off.

Sebastian is very confident in himself and is also a very determined person when he has his mind set on something, he can be very kind towards people he trusts  and knows.

He has a lot of anger issues, and his determination can often get him in trouble, he is often pretty mean towards people he doesn't know and actually likes to be by himself most of the time, he also doesn't like needles and often tries to get away when he sees needles.



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Sebastian doesn't like people and people often say he's rude, which is true as he is rude to people he doesn't know, he prefers to be alone which is why he got a job that makes it to where he had little to no human interaction, however he is loving to people he has known for a long time and will show a softer side towards them, but sometimes even than it's rare for them.

he loves spicy or sour foods, sweaters/hoodies, the color red, he likes listening to music as it calms him down when he's upset about something, he likes spiders a lot and has a whole collection in his part of the house.

he dislikes bland foods, when he gets too angry, he doesn't like dogs due to him being allergic to them, he hates clowns with his whole being, having his hair in his eyes, he hates needles as well.

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Sebastian was born weak, almost dying at birth but thankfully living on, though he had a lot of complications, his mother still loved him anyways and used all her money on making sure her son got the treatment he needed, though due to him being fragile and weak he never really went to school and stayed in the hospital since his mother was afraid of taking him home since she wasn't sure on what could happen or what to do if he did have a problem. He was 16 when he was starting to get better, his father having returned out of the blue which caused more stress on his mother but he happily paid for his medicine and surgeries though it was all just a set up because he didn't want his mistress to find out that he already had a child so paying a nurse a bit extra the nurse ended up killing him by giving him a drug that was to strong for him body. His mother was heartbroken after finding out her only child had died and ended up dying a week later due to heart failure. After his death and finding out of her mother's death Baz tried to make a life for himself but people found out about him being a ghost and often sent him leaving so now he's just trying to find a good place to settle down.

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