"The Childbirth" (Part 1)

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"The Childbirth" (Part 1)

*Pov y/n*
It's been 2 months and my mother completed 9 months of pregnancy last week. I'm getting very nervous because any day my little sister could be born and I'll have to deliver. internet signal) I decided to look in my mother's office for books that talked about pregnancy or a manual on how to give birth, but the most I could find was my 9th grade book at the school I attended, but no there was nothing detailed...
•••Time Break•••
It's been 2 days, when it was 10 am and we were packing our lunch things, my mother felt a very strong contraction, she fell to the ground and started screaming and I soon saw the "thing" from afar coming running after from us, I was supportive, my mother went into the house and went up the stairs that led to my acoustic room (because inside, the "thing wouldn't hear the screams and cries).
We entered the room and with difficulties she was guiding me on what I would have to do.
When everything was ready and my mother was already lying on the mattress we had placed there, and I started to see the baby coming out I started to be very afraid of doing something wrong, but when I looked again the baby was almost out with half of the body attached to my mother she started screaming for me to pull the baby because she was already without the strength to push the baby anymore and I started to pull my little sister gently.
As soon as the baby came out my mother told me to wrap her in the sheets we had separated, after a few minutes my mother ordered me to cut their umbilical cord, I was very afraid of doing something wrong but when I saw that the my mother was starting to faint, so I cut it very carefully and tied the umbilical cord with the bow I had in my hands. Minutes later I took care of them, I fed them, I bathed them both with a damp cloth and water and I changed her clothes. But when I went to carry my little sister, my mother was...

One more chapter for you…What happens to s/n's mother?... Just reading the next chapter...
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And I await your little star ⭐.
Kisses from the author (Maria Clara)

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