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*Pov Y/n*

I'm noticing Marcus playing and taking care of my little sister I noticed that he is taller, prettier and stronger.  I spent a few seconds looking at him and I remembered the first time I hugged him and I felt something "different" when I hugged him I felt a certain shiver when our bodies came together, a heat, a nervousness that I had never felt when hugging someone, when I started feeling these "symptoms"...

*Flashback on*
One year ago...

It was a Tuesday morning and S/n was getting ready to go to school.

Liz- Y/n, are you ready yet?  We can't be late, I'll do the ultrasound.

Y/n- Yes mommy, I'm leaving.

Some minutes later...

Liz- Have you got everything?

Y/n- Yes Ms. Clarke. (I spoke in a playful tone).

Liz- So let's go to our carriage Miss Clarke.

As soon as she said that we both started laughing like crazy and our neighbors couldn't take their eyes off us, we got in the car and went all the way to my school listening to our favorite song Never Ending Story which is our favorite song because we love Stranger Things.

Some minutes later...

As soon as we arrived at the school gate I soon saw that Marcus was waiting for me alone because his only friend is me and his sister, I waved and he smiled.

Liz-Bye Y/n.  Have a nice day!

Y/n- Bye to you too and have a great day.  (I said giving a kiss on her cheek and her belly).

Liz- I love you forever.

Y/n- I love you forever.

I got out of the car and walked towards him and when I got close to him we were facing each other looking at each other with a silly smile I would say for a few seconds but our trance ended when we heard a noise of a car arriving (There were only the two of them at school until a girl from another class arrived who soon entered the big school building and disappeared from our sight), as soon as our trance was over we hugged each other more this time in 14 years of friendship I had never felt like this, when our bodies touched to form a simple hug I felt a shiver taking over my entire body, I felt a heat on a super cold day and also the famous butterflies in the belly/stomach that I always heard in movies and from Regan's older friends.  After a few seconds of embracing that seemed like eons to me we parted and I don't know anymore I was a little embarrassed to look at those beautiful pair of brown eyes that mesmerized me, I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment but then he raised mine face down my chin with all the delicacy in the world.

Marcus- Y/n is everything alright?

Y/n- Yes. Why wouldn't I be?

Marcus- So come on S/a, we can't lose our front seats, I don't want to be far from you.  (Spoken holding it in my right hand)

When I heard him say that my heart sped up and when he took my hand another wave of goose bumps washed over my body.

Y/n- So let's go Honey, I don't want to be away from you either.

We left running hand in hand through the long corridors until arriving in our classroom because we have all the classes together (because we beg our mothers to ask the principal)...

*Flashback off*

Some dialogues will be in sign languages ​​and in whispers.

I woke up from my memories when I realized that Marcus was running his hand in front of my face and whispering my secret nickname in my ear.

Marcus- Sunshine, Sunshine, Sunshine (Spoken passing his hand in front of my face)

Y/n- Ah, hi (I said a little embarrassed)

Marcus- What were you thinking?  I was so smiling.  (Spoken giving that silly smile that ahhh)

Y/n- I was remembering the day I felt...Nothing (I was going to tell about my flashblack but I couldn't tell everything I felt and feel for him)

Y/n- Here, eat this, it won't fill you anymore at least it will trick your stomach (I spoke offering him an apple)

Marcus- Are you sure you don't want to tell me?  We are best friends, aren't we?  (He said taking the apple from my hand)

Y/n- We are, more...more...but it's a girl thing, things that boys don't understand

I said scratching the back of my neck and I only do it when I'm lying and Marcus knows me very well because he shook his head slightly in denial he didn't say anything else just sat on the rug with my little sister on his lap because his brother was still sleeping , I went to the baby and saw if his heart was beating right, I stopped and analyzed his delicate features that are super similar to Marcus' long eyelashes, hair golden as the sun because in the pictures we are together when we go out together of motherhood, the pink cheeks like Marcus's...

"Pov Marcus"

I'm with Y/n's little sister on my lap (She's sleeping) and Y/n had already finished tidying my little brother but she still looked at him thoughtfully, I realized there was something wrong with her, because she just is very thoughtful when something is wrong, I got up, put her sister next to my brother and put my hand on her shoulder and motioned for her to sit beside me on the mat on the floor, she nodded and sat down Right next to me, she is still with her head down, I lifted her face gently with my hand and when our eyes met I noticed her eyes.

Marcus- What happened Sunshine ?(Author- Y/n's nickname is Sunshine, I forgot to put in the other chapter, a thousand pardons...)

Marcus- Why are you crying?  Did something happen to your parents?

She nodded and hugged me tight and put her head on my chest, it was like she just needed a simple hug from someone she trusted, I reciprocated by hugging and gently smoothing her hair.

Marcus- Don't cry Sunshine now you have me, I don't like to see you crying.

Some minutes later...

The Y/n already asleep in my arms, none of the babies woke up and I started to feel my eyes getting heavy and I fell asleep with my loved one in my arms...
One more chapter for you.

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And I await your little star ⭐.

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