4 chapter - 2 season

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***Time skip***
Everything was ready for Lee's farewell ceremony, which was an improvisation in the backyard; each one talked a little about him, memories of each one with him.  They left letters and objects of his that each one liked.
***Pov Marcus***
Night had already arrived, everyone was already sleeping, I think!  As I was sleepless, still feeling my heart sinking for the lack of my best friend, I went downstairs and went to the backyard for my father's makeshift "grave".  I sat next to the memories we had left, I lit a candle to light it up and so I could read the letter I had found. I read the letter I left, I talked to him looking at his picture, I talked about the moments of happiness and sadness. and I cried, but then I was just silent, just me and the presence that I still felt from my father. A while passed, my sleep arrived, I went up and lay down in maximum silence.
***Pov Evelyn***
I woke up with a heat in my body, I thought I was starting to get a fever, I sat up and saw a strange lighting outside, I got up and got a big fright when I saw the giant flame that burned everything outside, the fire had already advanced and was almost inside the house.  I quickly went to the other room to wake the children up so we could leave, because we wouldn't be able to put out all that fire, but I still had no idea where we were going.

Everyone woke up scared and got even more scared when they saw all that fire outside and soon despaired.
***Pov Evelyn***
I ordered Regan and Marcus to go downstairs and get the essentials and put them in their backpacks, I called y/n to help me with the babies, we got the babies strapped in a kangaroo as fast as we could.

As it was still dawn, everything was completely dark, cold and silent.
***Pov Evelyn***
Fear surrounded me, because I was running away from a fire alone with 5 children, in the cold and dark dawn and trying my best not to make any noise so as not to draw attention from the creatures, be careful not to step into any traps and hoping the babies don't cry high.  I ordered Marcus to stay behind me along with y/n and Regan by my side helping me see the pitfalls and dangers.
***Pov Marcus***
Mom, do you have any idea where we're going?
Evelyn- I have no idea, but we have to move fast to find a place to at least stop before the babies wake up...
Chapter 23-(09/10/2022)(21:34)
Clara Maria

I promised and fulfilled!
I'm back as promised, see you MAYBE tomorrow or Monday because I still have things from home to do.
How are you? Hope you are doing great!
And I hope you liked it and don't give up on me!
And don't forget to vote, please, every vote makes me feel happy and it doesn't cost anything~~~
Be well and thanks for the messages<3

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