Chapter Five

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Taehyung rolls over, his limbs sprawling across the comfortable bed

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Taehyung rolls over, his limbs sprawling across the comfortable bed. He's never slept anywhere besides the slave quarters, and those only had cots.

Jimin chuckles when he stretches further into the pillows.

"Sleepy boy." Jimin teases. "Ready to get up yet?"
Taehyung groans.

"Well, you have to. There's a few things we have to get done today. And maybe when we're done you can swim with Jungkook and Jin. You want to do that?"
Taehyung groans louder this time.
"We're missing breakfast, Taehyungie. You'll be hungry later." Jimin continues.

This man just doesn't know how to shut up when someone's sleeping.

This time when Jimin speaks Taehyung groans over him. Jimin tries again and gets the same result.
Taehyung giggles and opens his eyes so he can see Jimin's expression. He laughs harder at the sight, his eyes closing again.

Jimin's fingers tease at Taehyung's chin, lifting it towards him.
Taehyung can feel his heart beat and hears Jimin shuffle closer. He stops laughing.
"Open your eyes."
Taehyung shyly obeys.

"You're so pretty. Do you know that?" Jimin asks. Taehyung blushes.

Jimin leans forward and presses into Taehyung's lips. Taehyung shudders, laying still as Jimin kisses him. After a moment Jimin slides his fingers into Taehyung's hair and presses him closer.
He slides his other hand down Taehyung's body, catching on his thigh and pulling it over his own.

The hand moves to Taehyung's ass to help Taehyung grind against Jimin.
Taehyung's back arches slightly and Jimin pulls up his nightgown to get more friction against Taehyung's pussy.
The boy tentatively clutches onto Jimin's biceps as he grinds against him and tightens his grip when Jimin sucks on his tongue.

"There, baby, all you needed was a little help waking up."
Taehyung nods absently as he shoves himself harder onto his owner's thigh. He lets out a soft "ngh" and bites his lower lip. They can both feel Taehyung's slick seeping through his panties and onto Jimin's skin.

"Jimin hyung?" Jin's voice calls through the door. Taehyung jolts and looks at the wood with alarm. He blushes but continues grinding against his master.

"Yes, Seokjin?" Jimin replies, licking up Taehyung's neck.
"Um, is Tae Tae awake yet?" Jin asks.

"Yes, but he's doing something with his daddy right now."
Jin giggles and whispers something to someone. Taehyung reddens further and jolts out of the bed.

He stops at the door and glances back at Jimin, spread innocently across the bed with a sweet smile, shirtless chest and erection on display. He turns back and rushes into the hallway, running into Jungkook and Jin and slamming the door before they can see his master.

"Daddy, I found Tae Tae!" Jin announces to Namjoon when they walk into the living room. The men in the dining room can see them, and Namjoon smiles and nods.
Yoongi snaps loudly and Jungkook immediately goes to sit on his lap, blushing and looking away from Taehyung when Yoongi gropes at Jungkook's cock.

Taehyung blushes too and looks at the other man sitting at the table. He's bent over a steaming cup of coffee and his hair is sticking up. After a moment he reaches over to pat Jungkook's head, then looks up from his coffee.

"Hi, I'm Hoseok." The man smiles, His eyes still half closed from sleep.

"I'm Taehyung..." Taehyung responds, suddenly regretting leaving his master in the bedroom because now he has to talk to strangers.
He self-consciously pats down his own hair, prompted by the state of Hoseok's, and tentatively sits at the table.

"Want food, Tae Tae?" Jin asks. He doesn't wait for him to answer and moves to sit next to him, bringing a half-eaten muffin that's completely pink. "Let's share." Jin breaks a piece with his hand and gives it to Taehyung, who puts it in his mouth when no one's looking.

Taehyung's face screws up in distress, and he squeals, spitting it back out into his hand.
He gets up and runs back to his and Jimin's room, Jin following him to ask what's wrong. Taehyung rushes past Jimin to get to the bathroom and throws the food into the trash can, spitting again for good measure.

"Taehyung?" Jimin asks, alarmed.
Taehyung turns to him and throws himself into his arms.
"Taehyung, what's wrong? Seokjin, what happened?"
Seokjin stutters. "G-gave him some of my muffin, that's all!"

"Was nasty." Taehyung groans. "It burned."
Jimin pushes Taehyung away from his chest so he can look in the boy's mouth. "Are you allergic? Seokjin, you shouldn't give him food without me knowing." He peers into Taehyung's mouth. "Did you swallow any, sweet heart?"

Taehyung shakes his head, dutifully holding it open so Jimin can observe him. "Doesn't hurt anymore. I'm hungry now."
"You don't look like you're turning red or swelling, I don't know what's wrong. You're sure it doesn't hurt?"
Taehyung nods, closing his mouth. "I think I want some more." He announces, pulling away from Jimin now that he no longer needs him.

Jimin shakes his head. "No more, Taehyung. Let's eat something different."
Taehyung stares at him for a second before his face falls and he nods.


Jimin has food delivered for Taehyung, a full breakfast that ends up being shared with the rest of the 'family' when Taehyung can't eat it all.

Yoongi makes Jungkook watch them eat for about ten minutes before he lets him eat, and Yoongi laughs when Jungkook rushes to shove a bagel in his mouth.
Taehyung watched the trio out of the corner of his eye, glancing between Yoongi and Jungkook often.
Yoongi makes eye contact with Taehyung suddenly and Taehyung quickly looks away, turning red.

"Why does he keep looking at me, Jimin?" Yoongi asks.
Jimin looks at Taehyung, who hides his face in his nightgown to avoid their eyes.

"I don't know, Yoongi, maybe he has a crush on you." Jimin jokes. Taehyung whines in response.

Yoongi laughs again and pulls Jungkook off of his lap, tugging him away so he can stand up himself.
"Come on, Jungkook. I'll take off your cage so you can swim, but you'd better be a good boy."
Jungkook blushes now, but quietly says, "Yes sir."

The two leave the dining room and disappear into the hallway, Hoseok finishing his coffee and following with a soft, "Excuse me."

Jin whines after Jungkook leaves. "Daddy, I wanna swim too." He's also sitting in his owner's lap.

"Are you all done eating?" Namjoon asks, wrapping his arms around the man and bouncing him with his legs.
Jin giggles and he nods, turning his head to kiss Namjoon's neck. "Alright then, let's go get you changed into something cute to swim in, baby." Namjoon agrees, lifting the boy under his armpits, making him laugh and kick his legs in the air.

When Taehyung eats the muffin, he's not allergic. He's never tasted that much sugar before and of course anything Jin eats is entirely sugar.

Personally when I eat something sweet after a long day, it burns my mouth until I get used to it. I couldn't find a better way to convey this.

I also had a flashback that I deleted, it had no flow and I'll find other ways to slowly incorporate it into the fic.

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