Chapter Eight

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Jungkook does sit next to Taehyung, directed by Yoongi. Yoongi towel dries him but doesn't make him get dressed, so Taehyung focuses on Jimin's thigh instead of the shirtless slave.

Hoseok comes in and hugs Yoongi as he gives Jungkook a plate of food.
"Everyone's taking a shower tonight so we can leave early tomorrow." Yoongi reminds from over Hoseok's shoulder.

"I don't wanna leave, daddy." Jin whines, already fresh from his shower and in a white nightgown.
Namjoon's face turns pink and he struggles to speak. It's hard for him to say no, to tell him they can't stay, especially when he's so cute.

Yoongi sighs.
"Don't you miss your room, Jin?" He asks, and Jin pouts but stops whining.

"Jimin, what do you think about Jungkook feeding Taehyung for a bit while you and I have a discussion?" Yoongi adds, making Jungkook and Taehyung look up.
Jungkook doesn't really care, just keeps eating, but Taehyung's eyes widen in a silent plea to Jimin.

Jimin smiles. "That sounds great, hyung. Jungkook, I'm training him to eat from my fingers, so don't let him eat from a fork." Jimin's cunning smile grows as he turns Taehyung to face Jungkook, seeing the betrayed but shy look on the boy's face.

"Yesh shir." Jungkook says through a mouthful of food, struggling to swallow before picking up a grape for Taehyung to eat.
He tries just handing it to the boy, but Jimin sees.
"Jungkook, not like that. Make him take it with his mouth." Jimin watches this time, and Taehyung's cheeks are blood red as he takes Jungkook's fingers into his mouth.

"Good boy!" Jimin praises, ruffling Taehyung's hair. He finally leaves the room and Taehyung looks around, noting that Hoseok and Namjoon are still watching. He begrudgingly allows Jungkook to finish feeding him, even though he can feel himself getting a bit wet.

Yoongi and Jimin are still gone by the time the boys are finished with lunch, so Jungkook asks Namjoon what they should do.

Taehyung looks at Hoseok, confused, but the man just watches as Namjoon directs Jungkook.
Jin skips off down the hall and Jungkook follows, tugging Taehyung along.
Jin opens the door for them, leading into a room filled with pink stuff. There are a bunch of pillows on the floor, and Jin settles onto the biggest one. Taehyung and Jungkook follow suit, and Jin points at things for Jungkook to get.
Jungkook fetches the toys Jin wants, bringing them back to the boy.

The two slaves watch him play for a minute before Jin looks up, blushing.
"I'm happy 'cuz daddy just played with me in the bath." Jin giggles.

Jungkook pouts.

"What?" Taehyung asks quietly.

Jin happily launches into a description that has Taehyung turning pink and covering his ears. He whines.

Jungkook is also whining, but he grabs at the front of his pants. Jin gasps, reaching to pull his hand away.
"You're not supposed to touch, Kookie! You'll get in trouble." But Jin turns to giggle at Taehyung. "We heard your daddy playing with you this morning! Did you like it?"

Taehyung looks away, but nods after a minute.
"Tell us! What'd he do?" Jin demands.

Taehyung idly picks up a Barbie doll and plays with it. "I don't know the words."

"What do you mean? Aren't you Korean? You should know it by now." Jin pries.

Taehyung shrugs. "People don't really talk to me. They only want me sometimes."

Jin snatches the doll back and brushes her hair with his fingers. Taehyung's fingers flex in the air.
"You need to tell your master then. He'll teach you." Jungkook speaks, ignoring Jin's antics.

Taehyung shrugs again, playing with the edge of his borrowed shorts. "I want to go." He points weakly at the door.

"Then go." Jin snaps.
Taehyung looks at Jungkook for guidance, and the slave pushes his lips together. "You're being mean, Jin hyung. You're scaring Taehyung-ssi. Go ahead." Jungkook says the end to Taehyung, who gets up carefully and opens the door.
He walks out with his head low, watching the floor as he makes his way to Jimin's room.

"Taehyung?" Someone says from the dining room.
The slave freezes, lifting his head slightly. It's Hoseok, and he adds, "Are you okay?"
Taehyung nods shakily with wide eyes. Hoseok nods and goes back to what he was doing.

Taehyung continues walking, counting his steps, seeing how many it takes if he puts one foot directly in front of the other, making them touch. He's barefoot, and his toes press against the heel of the opposite foot with each step.

Jimin's door is closed, but the light is on and Taehyung can hear muffled voices from inside, so he knocks.
"Come in." Jimin says from inside, so Taehyung complies.

Jimin sees that it's Taehyung but he continues his conversation with Yoongi.

"Wouldn't it be fun? To torture him like that? Give him what he wants and then take it away, like you're so fond of doing. And this is the perfect opportunity, Jungkook's never seen anyone who didn't have a dick before. Picture him trying to figure it out, confused and needy, not knowing how to fuck Taehyung. Even better if you let him think he can come. I bet he'll cry."

"Tempting, Jimin, but you know I hate working with idols. You can't give just anyone my songs. Your idols are too bubbly and fake for the responsibility." Yoongi argues.

"Then I'll make a new group. One with a serious concept, no "hearts and puppies"." Jimin emphasizes with air quotes.

"I get full credit, and fifty percent of the profit."

"Do you think I'm stupid? If I give you fifty that doesn't even cover the cost of the group. Fifteen."

"No way! Thirty percent." Yoongi pushes.

"Twenty five and I'll let you use Taehyung. After me, of course."

"Fucking deal." Yoongi says. "Send me the contract." They shake hands, both smirking. Yoongi goes to leave the room, and he stops next to Taehyung, stuck wide-eyed in place as Yoongi tips his chin up with his index finger.

"He'll be so pretty once you fix him up, Jimin." Yoongi's finger taps against Taehyung's lip, and he opens up obediently, his entire being sagging in Yoongi's presence.

Yoongi laughs, turning to Jimin. Jimin has a sour expression on his face, and his arms are crossed, watching the two with his jaw clenched.
"I said, after me. Hands off." Jimin orders.

Yoongi pulls his hands away, holding them over his head like he's being arrested. "I understand. I'll try to keep my hands to myself." He says as he leaves.

"Close your mouth." Jimin orders Taehyung.
The boy blinks and obeys, swallowing hard.

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