Chapter Thirteen

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"Jin, baby, come on. We're late." Namjoon pleads, trying to get Jin to walk with him, though the boy keeps getting distracted by everyone's outfits, and God everytime someone walks past with a pet Namjoon has to drag Jin away.

Jungkook walks next to Yoongi in his full black ensemble, watching Jin act out.

Taehyung is close to tears, sick of walking and being looked at, and even though Jimin can see his flushed cheeks and wobbly lip, he can't do anything about it right now. They're almost an hour later than they planned to be at the airport, and if they want to make it home before dark they need to be in the air already.

It took a while for Jimin to return the car they rented, and then Jin and Jk wanted snacks, and now they're finally loading themselves onto Jimin's little company plane, shoving bags into the cargo racks and getting the boys situated.

Thankfully Taehyung's calmed down now, sitting down in a random seat while he waits for everyone else to choose where they sit.

"Jungkook, you sit over there with Taehyung, he can watch you play on your switch. No porn." Yoongi orders, making Hoseok and Jimin laugh.

"It was once!" Jungkook exclaims, sitting next to Taehyung anyways.
Before Jungkook's buckled, Taehyung's up and trying to get to Jimin. He reaches for him, holding onto his shirt, and when Jimin's done putting up his suitcase he pulls Taehyung against him. "What is it, baby?" He asks, nudging Taehyung's face up to look at him.

The boy doesn't respond, and Jimin wraps an arm around him, guiding him to the seat next to him.

Hoseok and Yoongi sit to the left of the pair, holding hands as Yoongi turns on a movie for them. Hoseok lays his head on Yoongi's shoulder.

Namjoon's in front of Yoongi, his earbuds in, probably playing some crappy transcendent art podcast. His eyes are shut, tired from trying to wrangle Jin around all morning. Jin climbs over the man and takes the empty seat next to Jungkook, zeroing in on the boy's Switch.

After a few more minutes, the airplane safety speech begins, and then the plane takes off.


By the time they land Jin is pissed off, Taehyung is crying, and Jungkook desperately has to pee.

Yoongi yells at him as they speed through the airport parking lot to the bathroom, Namjoon and Seokjin going to the man's truck while Jimin tries to persuade Taehyung to get in his Audi.

Taehyung cries harder, sick of sitting down for the past eight hours, and to make everything worse, it starts to drizzle.

Taehyung really does not like getting rained on right now, and Jimin has to pick the boy up and put him in the backseat, only calming him down when he tells the boy he can lay across it.

Jimin slides into the driver's seat, damp, and takes a second to breathe. And another second. He finally turns the key and reaches back to lay his jacket over Taehyung, who pulls it over his face and burrows into the leather. Jimin can't help but stroke his arm before turning back around.

It takes half an hour to get home, and Jimin's surprised to find Taehyung still awake when he goes to get him out.
Taehyung's still pouting, his pretty brown eyes puffy from crying.

Jimin pulls him into his arms, the leather jacket falling between them. He rubs Taehyung's back, whispering to the boy as he carries him inside the condo. "Your butt sore from the flight? I'm sorry."

Taehyung sniffles in response.

"You're going to stay with Yoongi hyung and Jk for a while, okay? Master's gotta go to work for a little while, but I'll make sure I'm home when it's time to go to sleep. Tomorrow I'll get you a phone so you can talk to me when I'm gone, but for tonight if you need me you'll have to tell Yoongi." Jimin instructs, setting Taehyung on his feet in the kitchen.

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