Chapter Fourteen

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Jimin picks out another outfit for Taehyung, a mismatch of Jungkook's black pants and one of Jin's gray shirts. It fits him okay enough to go shopping, and while the outfit doesn't match his nervous and pretty face, it looks decent.

The first store they go to is Chanel. Taehyung notices Jimin looks happier the closer they get to the doors, and when they step in Jimin is greeted by the sales woman. Taehyung's nose is assaulted by the floral scent filling the store, and his eyes take a second to adjust to the bright lights, even though Jimin is already walking to another part of the store.

Jimin doesn't require much input from Taehyung, he sorts through the clothing racks himself, holding items against Taehyung and putting things on his wrist.

"Sir, allow me to assist you." A woman comes up and takes the hangers from Jimin, and Taehyung can't tell if she's a slave or not. Probably not, he muses, if she works here. Most slaves don't get such pleasant jobs.

"Taehyung. Do you like this?" Jimin asks, holding up a cloth thing Taehyung doesn't understand.

"What's that?" He asks.

"It's a dress. This goes around your neck, and this one goes around your thigh. This hole goes from your shoulder to your other underarm. Do you understand?" Jimin asks nicely.

"Uh, I'm a boy, Master. I've got that thing but I'm a boy, remember?" Taehyung reminds him skeptically.
Taehyung can see the clothes lady hide a smile, and he flushes in embarrassment.

"It doesn't matter what you are. You wear what you want, and you wear what I want, because whether you're a boy or a girl, you're mine. I decide. So do you like it?" Jimin reiterates.

"Can I have something else?" Taehyung asks instead. The dress looks uncomfortable, and he wouldn't want to get it dirty.

Jimin nods and places it back on the rack, moving on to a different section.

Everytime Jimin asks for Taehyung's opinion Taehyung keeps repeating, "Can I have something else?"

"What do you want then, Taehyung? I've shown you feminine clothes and masculine clothes, I've shown you dresses and tuxes, so what do you want?" The man asks, tapping his foot in frustration.

Taehyung flinches. "I don't know, Master. I just don't want to wear these all the time. Can I have something normal?"

"You're not going to wear these all the time, Taehyung. We'll get you normal clothes too, but these are your formal clothes. Was there anything here you liked at all?" Jimin asks, calming his voice.

Taehyung looks at all the clothes laid over the clothes lady's arm. "Those are fine, sir."

"Taehyung. I asked what you liked. I know what I chose is fine, that's why I chose it. Tell me about something I haven't picked out already." Jimin reprimands.

Taehyung shakes his head, blushing again.

"We'll take those to the dressing room." Jimin addresses the lady, and she nods. Jimin leads Taehyung to the changing room, guiding him inside and closing the door once the lady has hung up all the clothes next to the mirror.

"Take off your clothes, Taehyung." Jimin instructs, grabbing the first clothing item on the hook, a big fluffy fur thing.

When Taehyung's down to his underwear Jimin tugs the thing onto Taehyung, sliding it over his hips to show it's a dress. A very, very fluffy one. Taehyung makes a face while Jimin holds Taehyungs hair off of his forehead to look at him in the dress.

jimin stays silent for a full minute, just looking at Taehyung in the mirror, holding his hair back.
Jimin eases the straps down Taehyung's shoulders, leaving them around his biceps in a way that makes Jimin's jaw clench.

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