Chapter Eleven

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"Nice of you to join us." Yoongi chuffs when Jimin carries a tired and floaty Taehyung to the dinner table. The rest of the family are situated around a Monopoly board, and everyone's pretending to not see Jungkook stealing money for Yoongi or Jin playing with the extra pieces.

Jimin sits across from Jungkook and situates Taehyung on his lap, the boy's face buried in his bicep.

"How long have you been playing?" Jimin asks, noticing Yoongi's not the only one with a fat stack of cash.

"Ever since the noises died down in your bedroom." Yoongi answers easily, accepting another 100 from Jungkook, who barely tries to be stealthy.

Jimin smiles proudly at the comment.

Hoseok slaps Jungkook's hand when he tries to give Yoongi 500 monopoly dollars, but Yoongi gives him a hot look that makes Hoseok blush and stand down. Yoongi takes the money from Jungkook and adds it to his set.

At that moment Namjoon passes go, and instead of taking his money from the bank, reaches all the way over the table to snatch the money off of Yoongi. The blonde man huffs but doesn't fight it.

"So's his appointment tomorrow?" Yoongi asks casually, fiddling with something to look like he doesn't care.

"The day after." Jimin smirks, seeing through Yoongi's ruse. He looks down at Taehyung, his eyes closed peacefully. He strokes the boys arm, refocusing on the game. "Who's winning?"

"Namjoon." Hoseok says, before Namjoon elaborates.

"Right, because it doesn't matter how much money you have, it's about strategy. And Yoongi hyung has none." Namjoon smiles.

"Oh, shove it up your ass. Money does matter. That's my strategy." Yoongi argues.

"Money isn't a strategy. Especially when you stole the money!" Namjoon raises his voice in fake exasperation.

"I didn't steal it. It just came into my possession." Yoongi smirks.

"Jungkook stole it. And we allll know who controls Jungkook." Namjoon chuckles, but Yoongi gets a flirty look on his face. He turns to Jungkook, silently watching the fake argument, and says, "isn't that right, baby? We all know who controls you. Who's the boss?"

"Ugh. Not at the table!" Namjoon shouts.

"You control me, Master." Jungkook says, blushing heavily and fidgeting.
Hoseok looks on with a smile, obviously adoring the both of them.

"Ahhh, with all that squirming I guess I forgot to put your cage back on, huh?" Yoongi tilts his head, and Jungkook nods in response. "Come on then." Yoongi puts his hands on the table and stands, Jungkook following behind him.

"Hoseok." Yoongi calls over his shoulder, and Hoseok excitedly scrambles from his seat to catch up with them.

Namjoon sighs and starts putting up the board, finally winning Seokjin's attention. "What are we thinking for dinner?" Namjoon asks aloud as he takes the houses Jin hands to him.

Jimin shrugs. "Maybe just seaweed soup. So no one has an upset stomach on the plane."

Namjoon nods, absentmindedly closing up the gameboard. "I'll call it in, since Seok and Yoongi are busy."

Jimin nods, looking down at Taehyung, who's fallen back asleep easily. Jimin watches as the boys lips slowly fall apart, letting soft snores escape. He chuckles lightly at the boy, and Namjoon speaks.

"Now you know how I feel about Jin. Even though I was horrible to him most of our life, he's everything to me now." Jimin looks up at his words, seeing Namjoon watching the two of them with a soft expression.

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