Chapter Six

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Jimin silently pulls Taehyung away from the table and leads him back to their temporary bedroom. He doesn't speak while he helps Taehyung undress, although he smirks when Taehyung's slick makes his panties stick to his skin.
Taehyung squirms on the bed, expecting Jimin to play with him, but Jimin just turns away to get the boy a change of clothes. He looks knowingly at Taehyung, who scoffs and blushes, closing his legs in an attempt to hide his excitement.

Jimin pulls Taehyung's legs back to their original position, spread and bent so Jimin can observe him. He sets the new clothes on the bed next to Taehyung and brings his hand between the boy's legs.
Jimin strokes Taehyung softly, and Taehyung pushes his hand away.

"Nuh uh." Jimin tsks, slapping Taehyung on his clit. Taehyung jolts and looks up at Jimin in disbelief. "What, nobody's ever hit your pussy before? I bought you, so I get to do what I want, okay? And if I wanna touch my pretty boy, I'll do it. Maybe you'll have to have weekly spankings like Jungkook. Is that what you want?"
Taehyung hesitates, then shakes his head.
"Then you need to be good. You don't get what you want by being bad and fighting me, and I know you want me to touch you. That doesn't make sense, does it? Doesn't make sense for you to push me away?"
Taehyung pouts and shakes his head.
"Exactly," Jimin purrs. "So lay still while I give you what you want."

Jimin leans over Taehyung, pressing him against the bed as he finally slips his fingers into the boy. Taehyung whines, his back arching slightly.

"There, baby." Jimin chuckles. "Hasn't even been a full day since you had something in you and you're so desperate. I like that."
Taehyung's cheeks burn brighter and he avoids Jimin's eyes, wiggling his hips as Jimin drives his fingers into the boy. Taehyung settles now, laying flat and letting his head fall to the side, his hands resting motionless beside his head.

Jimin wants to laugh but bites his lip, instead focusing on Taehyung. He continues to finger the boy, who sighs and twitches as Jimin slows his pace.
Taehyung's eyes open after a moment of the slow pace and he looks up at Jimin.

"What?" Jimin asks the boy softly.

"I thought..." Taehyung blushes and looks away again.

"Hmm?" Jimin prompts, gently clutching the boy by his chin to turn his head.


"Oh, okay." Jimin smiles and gets off of the bed, reaching for the clothes next to Taehyung.
"Huh?" the slave stutters when Jimin pulls the shirt over the boy's arms. He starts to kick his legs a little to make Jimin release him.

"Nuh uh. Lay still or I'll make you stay inside instead of letting you swim with the boys."
Taehyung's eyebrows draw together in confusion but he stills and lets Jimin put the swim shorts on him.

"Are they too big? Too small?" The man asks.
Taehyung shrugs, so Jimin tugs at the waistband.

"I guess it's fine for now, unless you want to borrow a pair of Seokjin's or Jungkook's."
Taehyung shakes his head, allowing Jimin to pull him into a sitting position. He rubs his thighs together uncomfortably, the space between his legs slippery.
Jimin notices and chuckles, tugging Taehyung to his feet.

"Seok is going to watch you while I pack our stuff." Jimin explains.

"Pack?" Taehyung asks.

"Yes. We're all going back to Korea so I can take you to the doctor. I don't speak Hawaiian, and my English isn't very good either. Originally we were only here for vacation, but then I heard there was going to be an auction nearby." Jimin rubs sunscreen into Taehyung's cheeks as he talks.

"Where did you get me?" Taehyung asks, playing with the strings on the front of his borrowed shorts.
"I got you from Venezuela. I don't know where you were born and I was a little scared that you wouldn't speak Korean, but I got lucky." Jimin chuckles.

Taehyung clears his throat. "Would you give me back?"

Jimin hums in thought. "If you didn't speak Korean?" He asks, and Taehyung nods. "I didn't think about it before, but I don't think I would've, I probably would have just hired a tutor to teach you."

Taehyung nods absently in response.

"Alright! You're done. I'll walk you outside."

Taehyung nods again, following Jimin as he walks out of the bedroom and down the hall.

The glass doors are already open and Taehyung can hear splashing and giggles.

They step into the sun and Taehyung squints.

"This should make you nice and tan." Jimin chuckles. "Seok." He greets.
Hoseok looks over and smiles. "Hiya."

"Don't let the boys be rough with Taehyung." Jimin instructs Hoseok. "He's not allowed in the deep end, and don't let his head go under. Jungkook!" Jimin calls. The boy looks up. "Watch Taehyung, I don't think he can swim."
Jungkook nods happily, sending a thumbs up.

Jin turns to wave at Taehyung, waiting impatiently for him to join them in the water.
Jimin looks at Taehyung, ruffling his hair.
"If you need anything, tell Hoseok and he'll let me know." Jimin nods at Hoseok.

Taehyung turns to the boys waiting in the pool, having ceased their playing to watch. When they see him looking they wave enthusiastically, trying to coax him over to them.
Taehyung starts walking over, but is startled by a hand on his backside.

Jimin leans next to Taehyung's ear and presses against the boy's body. Taehyung's cheeks blush red.
"Be careful, baby. If you get hurt I don't know what I'll do."
Jimin wraps his arms around Taehyung in a hug, then releases him and walks back into the house.
Taehyung looks down so Jungkook and Jin can't see his face, and he steps into the pool, letting Jungkook help him in, even though Jungkook whistles at him, making him blush again.

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