Chapter Sixteen

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Two days later, Taehyung wakes up to an empty bed. He sits up, confused, since Jimin has been waking him up before he goes to work.

He climbs out of bed, sliding his feet into the new slippers Jimin bought him, the ones Jimin claims are cute, despite how stupid Taehyung thinks they look on him. He doesn't understand how anyone could find shoes in the shape of a rabbit cute. Jimin pretended Jin left them, but it was suspicious how he stressed the importance of wearing them everyday.

Taehyung brushes his teeth, blinking his eyes in the mirror. His new haircut sits an inch above his eyebrows, and the eyebrow wax gave them a new shape, sharp and thick above his brown eyes. It's been awhile since Taehyung had his appearance changed, although he expected it to happen eventually. Each master or mistress tends to change their slave to suit their preference, or sometimes just to lay a claim on them. At least Jimin was nice, didn't make him get any tattoos, peircings, or plastic surgery, which Taehyung has seen trending recently at auction sites.

Taehyung doesn't realize he's been staring at himself until Jimin steps into view behind him.
His master smiles, stepping forward to slide a warm hand under Taehyung's nightshirt and resting it on his stomach. "I love this haircut on you, it makes your eyes stand out. They're my favorite part of you. Well... There's one part that's a close second." Jimin smirks playfully, his hand sliding past Taehyung's navel and into his underwear.

"I'm hungry!" Taehyung yelps, jumping away from Jimin.

Jimin laughs loudly, grabbing Taehyung's hand. "Okay, okay. Let's get you a nice big breakfast."


After breakfast Jimin directs Taehyung back to the bedroom, and he goes, sitting on the bed while he waits for Jimin to finish washing the dishes. He hears him walking down the hall soon enough, and the door opens to Jimin, flicking water off of his hands.

"Ugh. Maybe I should get a traditional slave to do the housework. What do you think? Girl or boy?" Jimin asks, sliding onto the bed next to Taehyung.

The boy shakes his head with a soft glare, laying on his back to see Jimin's face.

"No?" Jimin chuckles. "Are you going to do everything for me?" Jimin picks up a hand, hovering it over Taehyung's body.

Taehyung watches the hand in anticipation, his breath caught in his throat. "I-I can help." He answers.

"Yeah?" Jimin tugs Taehyung's shirt, and Taehyung lifts his butt so it comes unstuck. His master drags it up his body, leaving it bunched under his chin. "I think you'd be so pretty washing the dishes for me, I'd stand right behind you and watch, maybe put you in a pretty dress so when you move...I can see my second favorite part of you." That smile again, coy. He knows Taehyung will do whatever he wants.

Taehyung nods slowly, agreeing just because Jimin wants it.

Jimin lays on his stomach beside Taehyung, tipping the boy's head up so he can kiss him. "You want to show me your pretty pussy?" He asks lightly.

Tae doesn't answer, but he pulls his legs up to his chest and slowly slides his underwear down, parting those legs for Jimin a second later.

Jimin takes a deep inhale, taking his fill of the view.
"Thank you, baby. Now let's see what we can do with a little bit of lube and a few fingers."


A few hours later they rejoin civilized society, Taehyung on shaky legs and Jimin with a proud smile. They sit on the couch, the channel set on a music station, playing some slow and smooth song that Jimin turns off. He switches the channel to an idol production show, sitting back and watching the tv intently.

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