Chapter Seventeen

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The next day Jimin and Yoongi spend a lot of time talking. On the couch, at the table, in their office. Jungkook and Taehyung are put in front of the tv and given free rein, which Jungkook decides is the perfect opportunity to train another person to play Mario kart with him. If he teaches Taehyung how to let Jungkook win, no one notices.

Around one in the afternoon all the fuss begins to slow down. Jimin and Yoongi rejoin the boys, smiling calmly and watching them play their game without interrupting. Taehyung watches them from the side of his eye, not trusting the peace.

The doorbell chimes just as Taehyung sees Jimin's mouth open to speak, and Yoongi huffs, getting up to answer it.

It opens before he reaches it, and Namjoon and Jin come in, wheeling a suitcase behind them.
"We're sleeping over for a while. My mother's in town and decided she's staying in my house."

Yoongi stays quiet, looks at Jimin for a minute with his eyebrows raised.

"You couldn't get a hotel?" Jimin asks Namjoon.

Namjoon raises his eyebrows too. "Sorry, man, what happened to 'you're welcome anytime?' "

Jimin groans, standing up from the couch. Taehyung looks away from the game hesitantly, not sure what's going on or if it's bad. Jungkook keeps playing, happily using this moment to get even further ahead of Taehyung.

Jimin rubs Taehyung's head absentmindedly, and the boy shivers at the touch.

"Yeah, that still stands, but you just so happened to pick the one night we had plans. Excuse me for being a bit unwelcoming." Jimin leans against the couch behind Taehyung, crossing his arms over his chest.

"We love you and everything, but if you give us tonight we'll help you deal with this tomorrow." Yoongi chimes in, keeping an eye on Jungkook, whose attention is riveted on the tv as he crosses the finish line.

Namjoon looks upset for a moment, then nods. "Yeah. Jin's gotta go to sleep soon anyways and I'm sure he'd be more comfortable at a hotel than on your couch. Let's get together for brunch tomorrow."

"Absolutely. We'll text you when we get up." Yoongi opens the door for the pair, waving to them as they walk out. As soon as the door is closed, Yoongi snaps his fingers. Jungkook looks at him immediately.

"Jimin's bed. Go." Yoongi orders, and Jungkook is gone, leaving the game running without even a pause.

Yoongi locks the door, grinning at Jimin. "Namjoon's fucking mom. That'll be fun to deal with tomorrow."

"Ugh. Just let me forget for now." Jimin groans. "Come on, Tae. I promised you a fun night, and it's time for me to make good on that promise. You're not the only one waiting." He offers out a hand, and Taehyung takes it carefully, standing up and following the man down the hall. Their hands stay linked, offering support or just to make sure he follows, Taehyung's not sure.

When they enter the bedroom, Jungkook turns to look at them. Yoongi's sitting in the armchair by the window, arms spread wide in relaxation. He moves his arms calmly, admiring his own tattoos.

"Took you long enough." He remarks, finally looking at them. "I even had time to get a glass of whiskey." He waves to the cup sitting beside him.

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