You Should Be Scared

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Bonnie jumped as she heard the voice. Turning to find Kol staring at them. An unimpressed look on his face as he stared his half brother down. Taking a breath Bonnie took a glance at Klaus. The hybrid was glaring at his brother. Yet he hadn't said a word yet. It surprised Bonnie but she wasn't going to question a possible miracle.

"And just what are the two of you doing out here, all alone?" Kol asked, his gaze moving from Klaus to Bonnie. The small witch nearly gulped at the look he gave her.

"I needed some air, but um- I'm actually feeling pretty tired now, and it looks like the party is dying down so maybe I'll just go inside" Bonnie muttered, moving quickly towards the door. Her heart feeling like it would beat out of her chest.

"I'll walk you" Kol said suddenly, placing his hand on Bonnie's elbow, stopping her immediately. Bonnie stared at his hand for a moment. It wasn't as if his grip were too tight, but there was something about it that seemed off, almost urgent. Bonnie almost said 'no' but when she looked up at him she paused.

"Alright" she muttered, before looking back at Klaus. "I'll see you later" she said softly, before walking away. A blush on her face as she left.

Klaus said nothing as he watched his brother leave with the witch. His eyes roaming her body. Watching for any sign that she was uncomfortable. He could see a bit of embarrassment from nearly being caught but nothing that made him worry. Turning to face the ocean once more he sighed. He just wished she didn't leave.

"Would you like to tell me what I just walked in on?" Kol asked once they got back inside. Pulling the witch into a nearby hall. His eyes were dark as he looked down at Bonnie knit her eyebrows together. The corridor was barely lit but a lantern made it easy for him to see her face.

"No, I wouldn't, now can you move" Bonnie muttered attempting to push past the original. Kol shook his head, moving so that she was trapped in between him and the wall behind her. The vampire put a hand on either side of her head. Officially caging her in.

Kol nearly smirked when he saw the small witch tense. Ready to fight him if she needed to. Yet the memory of her in his brothers arms stopped his feeling of pride. When her green eyes looked up at him he tilted his head at her. She looked angry.

"Kol, move" Bonnie ground out. Kol shook his head at her.

"What? You're comfortable in Niklaus's arms but not mine?" He asked her, making her tilt her head up at him. Confusion and annoyance dancing across her face.

"Is that what this is about? Because you saw me and Klaus close?" Bonnie asked, her eyes narrowed on his face. Kol growled as he shook his head.

"No, it's because you should be close to me" he told her his voice raised slightly. Bonnie's eyes widened at his words. "I spent everyday with you, hours with you in that library, I drove you home and even carried your books like a infant and you're telling me you have no idea" he asked seriously, his voice beginning to lower. Wondering how after everything she couldn't know.

"Kol" Bonnie whispered his name. Unsure of how to react to his words. The meaning of his words slowly sinking in.

"Maybe this will make it clear" Kol whispered, crashing his lips against hers.

Bonnie gasped against his mouth as his arms wrapped around her waist. Pulling the small witch toward him. Bonnie felt her own arms wrapping around his neck slowly. His kiss intoxicating. A pull Bonnie had never felt before tugging from her core. Bringing her closer to him till she couldn't differentiate where she ended and he began.

"Finally, Bonnie- oh shit" they heard, breaking apart to find Lucy looking at them wide eyed. Her jaw dropped and eyebrows raised to her hairline.

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