Night School II

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"Maeve," a voice whispered while slightly shaking her arm, "Maeve c'mon you gotta wake up."

She groaned as she stirred awake, lifting herself up only to fall back onto whatever cold surface as pain shot through her head and hip, "Hey, hey, take it easy."

Her eyes met those of her brother's, who wore a concerned face as he helped her sit up on the table, "Are we dead yet?"

Stiles stiffed out a laugh while trying to clean the blood off her temple with his sleeve, "Not yet, but for a second we thought you were."

Her hazel-green eyes scanned the dark room while Stiles supported her as she swayed a little, Jackson, Lydia, and Allison were at the front lab table mixing something "Why are they here?"

"Someone sent a text telling Allison to come to the school, Lydia and Jackson came with her," Stiles explained as he helped her slowly slide off the table to her feet, the pressure on her leg causing her to wince.

Scott came over once he saw her moving, embracing her in a quick hug, "Thank god, are you okay?"

She gave him a weak smile, "I'm great."

He smiled at her sarcasm, it being a good sign for a Stilinski twin, "Next time I'm not letting go of your hand, that way you can't wander off, got it?"

"Aye aye captain," she weakly cheered, holding onto Scott's forearm as his hand supported her waist since she was still swaying a bit.

His other hand grazed the mark from the alpha on her temple, his concern sweeping over the werewolf's face, "what happened?"

"I don't really know," she admitted, looking between the two boys, "I wandered off - don't ask why I have no real explanation for that - and the alpha found me, and we was going to strike me but at the last second he stopped."

Stiles stepped forward confused, "He just stopped? Why would he stop?"

She shrugged, "I don't know , he just grabbed me, put his claw thing to my temple and did this," she pointed to the scratch, "and all I remember is being pushed to the ground and hearing it howl."

"Well that's disturbing," Stiles muttered.

"What are they doing?" Maeve asked while looking at Lydia as she picked up another beaker.

"Someone has to go get the keys from the janitor, she's making me some self exploding uh mocktail."

"Molotov cocktail," Stiles corrected the werewolf.

Maeve looked over at her best friend, a giddy smile coming onto her face as Lydia was using her big brain, "She's making you a self igniting fire bomb? Awesome."

Both boys looked at each other uneasy, "Why do I get the feeling she learned how to do this with you?" Stiles questioned.

"That's not important right now," she said, shutting down the topic real quick. The boys were going to dwell on it when Lydia called Scott over has she finished the firebomb.

"Hey," Maeve grabbed his arm to stop him, "I know you're like a werewolf now and all," she casually whispered, "but be careful."

His brown eyes locked onto her hazel green for another time tonight, "I will."

Maeve nodded, a small wave of fear creeping back up her spine as Stiles reiterated what she said - only a little less...intensely - before he helped his sister walk over to the others who were watching Allison beg Scott not to go.

"Somebody has to do something," he tried to explain, but without being able to tell his girlfriend the real truth, it wasn't going to help.

"Scott, just stop," she pleaded, "Do you remember - do you remember when you told me you knew whether I was lying? That I had a tell. Well, so do you," she looked him in the eyes, "You're a horrible liar. And you've been lying all night. Just - just please - please don't go. Please don't leave us. Please," he was about to walk away when she pulled him into a kiss hoping it would make him stay, but it didn't.

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