How Could You Do This To Me

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Kankri's POV:

You were shaking in the corner of your closet. Yeah sure scoring a date with Meulin was cool but you couldn't get over what Happened with Cronus. What if you triggered him? I mean you did slap him after all.... but what if he takes your advice and befriends the popular kids? Would he tell them? You heard another knock at the door. "Kanny co+me o+ut before I start taking drastic measures!!!" You heard Porrim hiss. You rolled your eyes. She's been trying to get you out for hours. Just then the doorbell rang. You heard Porrim scuttle off to go answer it. Great. Just what you need. More people. You sighed and put your head against the wall. Could things get any worse? Sadly you were corrected with Porrim's next knock at the door. "Kanny sweetie yo+u have a visito+r!" You groaned and got up. You opened your door to find him standing in your bedroom doorway. You froze automatically. "Hey babe." He said. Before either Cronus or Porrim could get another word in, you bolted back inside your closet, locked the door shut and threw your back against the door. You heard Porrim sigh. "It's yo+ur turn! I'm taking a break!" She huffed. You heard the door close and Cronus sitting down on your bed. "Cheif.... I'm sorry..." He said. you growled. "I d9nt want t9 hear it! Y9u've made y9urself very clear earlier!" You shouted. He sighed. "Dont you see Kankri? I wasn't clear earlier! I was just in shock that you were so angry that I said some things I didn't mean..." He said sadly. Your heart fluttered for a minute. You didn't know why. "What d9 y9u mean??? Explain y9urself! You hissed. You could almost hear him smirk from the other side of the door. "vwhy don't you come out here and we'll talk???" He said. You growled but slowly unlocked your door. When you finally opened it you almost screamed. Cronus Ampora was in YOUR room, sitting on YOUR bed, looking through YOUR pictures. You took a deep breath as you pushed the closet door wide open. He turned around and smiled. "Decided to come out sooner than later huh???" He smirked. You growled at him. "H9w dare y9u c9me into my h9me and j9ke ab9ut my sexual preference! F9r all y9u know I c9uld be gay! Then y9u w9uld have triggered me! And then we w9uldn't be having this c9nversation!" You snapped. He smiled and stood up. "But I didn't trigger you did I?" He grinned. You grabbed a pillow off your bed and threw it at him. Unfortunately he caught it. "Cool your jets chief. Let's talk." He said as he sat down on the bed and patted the sheets beside him. You glared at him and sat down. "S9 what d9 y9u mean y9u weren't clear???" You said cautiously. He sighed. "It's not that I feel bad for you or nothin... I just don't vwant you to have to go through the same crap as I did...." He huffed. You blinked in confusion. Before you spoke he turned your face towards him. "You.... You have red eyes...." He gasped. You blushed and stood up. "It must have just been the light. I have brown eyes!" You said as you rushed into your closet to apply your contacts. He sighed and followed you in without your knowledge. "You know you don't have to hide it. It suits you very well." He said softly. You jumped at his voice. He came and stood beside you. "Look." He said as you looked at his face in the mirror. You noticed he had a zig-zaggy scar on his forehead and bright purple eyes. Purple eyes? Does that mean he... "did you used to wear contacts to???" You asked darkly. He smiled and nodded. "Kanny I used to be just like you. I used to be terrified of people. I refused to talk to anybody. But then me, my mom, dad, and brother got hit by a semi truck on our vway home from school one day. My mom didn't make it, and my dad and I got some nasty scars. I also broke my arm and leg. I couldn't move at all. And vwhen I vwas in the hospital..... nobody came to vwisit me. Nobody cared. But I realized that the reason nobody came, vwas because I had no friends. So once vwe all got better and handled the grief of our mother my dad decided it vwas time for a fresh start. So we movwed out here." He explained. You wanted to cry. That was too much. "Cr9nus.... I'm n9t mad at y9u anym9re... I feel as if I c9mpleatly misjudged y9u.... in fact I think we pity each 9ther n9w...." You said quietly. He smiled. "So does this mean vwe can be friends???" He asked. You sighed. "Fine. But y9ur g9ing to regret it." You looked him in the eyes. He snickered. "I highly doubt that!" He said as he pulled you into a hug. You froze solid at first. You hated physical contact. But then you felt warm. It was a feeling you never felt before. So you wrapped your arms around his waist. It was a nice feeling. He was about to pull away when he tripped on some cords and the two of you fell to the ground. You blushed as his face was so extremely close to yours. The two of you got lost in each other eyes for a moment. Your heart was beating fast. Why was this happening??? You weren't gay!!! But yet.... somehow.... his eyes were just so beautiful.....

Cronus POV:

You accidentally tripped on a cord and Kankri fell on top of you. You each got lost in each other's eyes. They were just so beautiful... wait hold on you weren't gay!!! Why were all these ideas popping up in your head??? He was a guy, and guys don't kiss other guys!!! Dad would flip if he knew you were gay!!! But honestly... when did you ever care about what he thought??? You wanted to kiss him so badly.... But... why??? You figured it didn't matter. You pulled his shaking body closer to yours and brought his face to yours. "Cr9-Cr9nus... what are yo-" SMASH! You threw your lips to his and your heart began racing a mile a minute. He was shocked but he didnt resist. After a while he fell into it. The two of you kissed for what seemed like hours. Finally he pulled away. "Cr9nus .... I d9n't kn9w what t9 say....." He said rather exhausted. You smiled. "Yeah I like to leave em speechless" you said with a smirk. He rolled his eyes and stood up. "I'm not gay Cr9nus...." He began but you stood up and shut him up with another quick kiss. "Neither am I but this obvwiously feels right. So let's just go vwith it okay???" You whispered to him. He nodded and with that, the two of you came out of the closet together.

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