4. Message

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Jeon Ara's P.O.V

I took a deep breath and pressed send.

"Hello again! I thought about the composing thing, and I thought that it'd be nice to make a song. If you still want to help me with composing then I'd be really glad☺️"

I put my phone away and stared at the wall in front of me. Shit shit shit! I already did it! I already sent it! I'm fucked up! I hate myself for this, but now is not the time to get depressed. I took my bag and phone then went to school.

When I arrived at school, Minji wasn't there, instead Jimin and Taehyung was. "Hey Aera!" Jimin said.


"Wh-" Taehyung was gonna say something when my crush came running to us.

"GUYS! GUYS!" He screamed. He reached us and tried speaking while breathing heavily. "S-She.. a-answered." I immediately knew what he were talking about and bit my inner lip.

"Breath first!" Jimin said. "Who answered?"


Both of the guys' eyes widened. "WHAT?! What did she say?"

"She agreed!" He said.

"What?! Seriously!?" I said, acting very shook.

"Yes! She sent me the message just a few minutes ago." He lightly screamed and hid his face behind his palms. He was definitely fanboying really hard and the excitement was shown on his face.

"When will you meet? Or will you even meet? What if she lives outside of Korea, or maybe far away from here?" Taehyung asked.

"I don't know. Should I send her a message now? I can ask her about the details."

"Okay do that!" Jimin said and my crush opened his phone.

"Okay so I'm going to write: 'Amazing that you want to make a song. Of course I'd help you, but I just want to know if we are going to meet up or not. If we are then when and where? I think it'd be hard to meet up if we live far away from each other.'"

"Sounds good. Send it!" I said and he sent it.

"What did she even send to you?" Jimin asked so my crush showed us.


When I got home I opened my phone to answer my crush's message. Shouldn't I ask for his name first? He doesn't know that I know him so I should probably ask for his name.

"I would like to know your name first please 😄" I sent.

Surprisingly he was online and answered me. There I saw my crush's name pop up on my screen.

"I'm Jung Hoseok!"

The Undercover Famous WriterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora