11. Brother?

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Jeon Ara's P.O.V.

I woke up tied up to a chair in an unknown room. I looked around and there were lots of people, actually lots of girls, tied up in the room.

My hands were tied up behind the chair, and I could feel my hands tied up to another pair of hands.

"Ummm.. does anybody know why we're here?" I asked.

"Ara?! You're here too?!" I heard Hoseok's voice say. He's here too, and he recognized my voice as Ara?

"Hobi?! What are you doing here?!"

"I think it's the people searching for you, the famous Ara. You're not supposed to be here!" Hoseok said.

"You're the real Ara?!" Some girl in the room said.

"Oh my god! I can't believe this!"

"Ara?! So that's the real Jung Hoseok you're collaborating with?! Oh my god!"

"Can I get your autograp-" The third girl shut up when the door of the room opened.

"So," a man said, entering the room. He went towards Hoseok. "Jung Hoseok, am I right?" Hoseok didn't answer. "Who out of them is Ara?"

"I don't know."

"Stop lying!" The man stepped closer to Hoseok and made his hand twitch against mine which means that he flinched.

"She didn't show me her face. She had a mask."

The man sighed deeply. "What was her hair color?"

"I don't know."

"Do you want to die?!"

Hoseok held my hand. He was indeed scared. "Dare to touch him!" I said.

"Don't put yourself in danger!" Hoseok said. Both me and the man ignored Hoseok and he walked towards me. He was long, broad and had brown hair. "What if I do? What will you do, little girl?"

"Something you won't like."

The man got silent for a moment. "You're indeed brave, little girl. Wha-"

"Don't call me little girl!" I said sternly, starting into his soul.

"Do you want to die?" He said, repeating the same phrase he said to Hoseok.

"Dare to touch me!"

He took a deep breath trying to remain calm. "What's your name?"

"What do you think my name is?"

"I'm the one asking, not you," he said, annoyed.

"You brought me here because you know my name. Do you think I'm dumb?"

He got closer to me, grabbing my shirt. I didn't flinch. "Do you think you're the one in control here?"

I didn't answer him but instead pushed him away with my legs that weren't tied. Only my upper body was tied. "Dare to come close to me again and I'll kick you in the balls!"

The man stared at me silently while I stared into his soul. He sighed. "You're really different! I'm calling our boss," he said and got out of the room.

"Are you out of your mind?!" Hoseok screamed.

"No, as you can see he didn't dare to do anything to me. Braveness is the key!"

"You know that their boss might hurt you know, right?" One of the girls said.

"Tsk, I don't care as long as you guys are safe," I said.

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