7. Explanation

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Jeon Ara's P.O.V.

Today was the party, and Hoseok has already messaged me saying that we can't meet to work on the song. To be honest, I do not want to meet him after what he did to me in school, but I have to go for Taehyung and Jimin's sake. 

"Minji, are you going to the party?" To be honest, if Minji's not going, I'm not either.

"I am. You're obviously going too. No buts!" I haven't told her about Hoseok yet so she still wanted me to go to the party for him.

"Yeah, I'm going."

"Okay good!"

I focused on the party. At least that's what I think I did. Hoseok kept looking at me the whole time which made me a bit uncomfortable because I kind of hate him right now. I sticked to Taehyung and Jimin and absolutely did not tell them about what Hoseok did. I don't tell them, or at least not yet.

Everything was going just fine, until Hoseok became drunk and came up to me. "Aeraaaa~" he said, drunk. He kept following me which in the end led to me getting annoyed and heading home. Minji followed me and asked why I was going back home early, so I had to tell her everything that Hoseok's done.

I guess I'm not really made for parties, especially not parties that are made by my bully crush.


The next day we didn't have school, but I did have a meeting with Hoseok on the other hand.

"I don't want to meet Hoseok today! I hope he cancels our meeting or something!"

"I don't understand why you're crushing on him when he's being rude and hurting you," Minji said.

"I don't know! My feelings want me to suffer!"

"It's almost 5pm."

"I know, but I don't wanna face him after what he did to me! It's not the worst I've experienced but still!"

Minji put her hand on my back. "You do what you gotta do. Go now and good luck! I'm gonna murder him on Monday!"

I looked at her and gave her a small sad smile. "Thanks!"


He opened the door making me meet the handsome man that hit me yesterday.

He smiled at me like nothing had happened. Well, nothing had happened for him because for him Aera and Ara are two different people.

"Hey!" He said.

I forced a smile even though it's not so visible under the mask. "Hi."


We continued working on the song in his room because his friends were at home today, but Hoseok kept zoning out. He didn't look so okay.

"Can we take a break?" He asked. I nodded. "I'm going to bring water."

"Okay." At least he looks a little bothered.

"I have to tell you something," he said sitting down beside me and giving me a glass of water. "It mights be a little personal but I really have to share it with someone. I can't keep it to myself anymore."

"What is it?" I asked becoming curious.

"Promise to not tell anyone!"

"I won't, I promise!"

"Okay, well, I bullied a girl yesterday." So he didn't forget about it. At least he has some manners.

"Are you a bully? I didn't know."

"No, no! I don't bully! I just.. bullied her."

"Why?" That bitch.

"I was... forced."

What? "What do you mean?"

"Well, that girl is bullied, so I went to her bullies and told them to stop." My eyes went wide. He really did that for me? "We made a deal that if I talk rudely to her for a month then they'll stop. I asked my two friends to befriend her so that she can hang out with her and that way I'll also show her my nice side if the bullies aren't around, but sadly, the bullies are always around. Noticing how we became friends, the bullies came up to me again. They said if I don't bully her this week then they'll bully her even more. I had to bully her for her safety. I told her to not hang out with us and said some harsh words, but.." he looked down. "I still want her to hang out with us. She's fun to be around but I really hurt her with my words. I still want her."

I was absolutely shocked by what he was saying about me. This wasn't what I have expected. Not at all!

"I don't know what to do! She's probably really hurt right now! I was about to get detention today too but she stood up for me. She's really nice! I can't believe I hurt such a nice and beautiful person like her!"

Butterflies were going crazy in my stomach as he said all these nice things about me. "You should.. apologize. I think that would solve it," I said.

"You think so?"

"Yeah. Apologizing is always the right thing to do. Even if it doesn't work, at least you tried."

"I will apologize to her tomorrow. I've always wanted to be her friend, but I made an action way too late! I've been trying to make her fall for me for a while, but instead I bullied her."


"Why do you with wanting her to fall for you?"

"She's my crush."

And with that, I choked.

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