Another Day of Shit.

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It was slothful, a slow day but eh it's school who's gonna argue? I sat in my seat tapping my foot to the music in my ears, sketching down on my notebook. Crossing off some stuff I thought we're bad my drawing wasn't the best but it would do for now. Art is really helping though, I look to my side, seeing the pink hair blow through the wind as she noticed my staring and walked over, I sighed and mouthed to myself.. "Shit.." I looked back as she sat down, looking over at my sketched. She seemed.. impressed? It was a odd sight. Then my eyes widen softly, she started up a conversation as I replied back, most of our talk was about mangas and anime's it wasn't anything special. By the end of lunch we were both laughing. Then the bell for our next hour rang. Causing us to pack our stuff and wave eachother off. "It's a start." I said to myself.

Hey everyone! I'm back and I wanna start this off with a good one. I know it's short but I'm getting back into it!

My Abusive Girlfriend: Natsuki Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant